This part might have something to do with the driving + FPS gameplay. Think about it, there's no middle ground. Either the controls for driving is complete ass on keyboard, or the FPS aiming is complete ass because it's on dual analog. It's like you're screwed either way. I guess you can plug in a different controller for different elements, but who would want that?
Well, I use both the keyb/rodent and XBOX controller when playing Battlefield 2 and ETQW (or rather, when I used to play them) for controlling the helis/planes. I do think that
IF the PC is an equal partner then they
HAVE to make the vehicles handle well with keyboard. I never had problems with Halo PC and even HL2's vehicles were pretty easy to control. Battlefield 2's land vehicles handle very, very well with keyboard/mouse.
360 users might need 3 discs due to limited use of disc space for gamedata + cant be heavily compressed.. However PC gamers can have it in 2 discs as it is compressed and expands upon installation. 2 disc would be roughly 16-18GB of compressed data that would expand upon installation.
Don't count on it.
IF the PC version does come on just 2 DVDs it will still have more storage space than the XBOX version because of the reputed 1gb of DRM that each XBOX disc has to have
but don't expect huge decompression sizes from installation: the Megatexture is already a heavily compressed format - latest figures we have from id put the uncompressed textures at 1 TB. Two dual-layer DVDs are at best 16.5 GB the vast majority of which is the MTs. I'd be very surprised if it broke 18gb after installation.
But let me backtrack a bit and for those that haven't read the magazine article, from the context JC does seem to be speaking of the PS3:Blu-Ray versus XBOX
VD on the topic of number of discs. It's entirely possible the PC version will come on 3 DVDs, it's just worrisome that the PC/Mac version isn't specifically mentioned there as well.
Wasn't Doom 3 a short game?
I've beat D3 six times. First time it took me 25 hours, second through fourth it took me 20 hours, last two took me at least 18 hours. I do read every single email, watch every video, listen to every log, find all the secrets, easter eggs, kill every monster, etc. (and on the Enpro level where the player is given a choice on how to progress from middle to end of the level I usually end up playing one way, reload and play the other).
@ Richard: I was also shocked to see that the Flashlight or Gun mechanic has been put down to performance limitations ! I always thought it was a concious gameplay design, and I loved the Tension and fear the mechanic added to the game !
In many previous interviews they had specifically mentioned a conscious design decision to increase tension as the reason - and it makes sense.
If a game is double the length then it has to justify taking up more of my time. I don't understand how the length of a game in itself is supposed to be an indicator of quality. If the game has gameplay elements x I much prefer it to have a shorter time length to the finish and more variety per minute than being stretched to meet the requirements of 25 hours of gameplay so you can put that on the box.
This is
obonicus' point also. I've been in this discussion before so forgive the brevity but, by that rational if there's a game that lasts only 10 mins but gives you an orgasm then you'll willingly pay 50 euros for it? Now you may have not liked DOOM 3's gameplay: that's completely fair and yes, in a vacuum, better gameplay > more gameplay. But if you start accepting that a 50 euro game today can have half the length of a game that retailed for 50 euros ten years ago with the same gameplay "intensity" then we'll start getting games like Prey or Max Payne, CoD4 (10 hours with infinite respawns), etc.
But I'm getting sidetracked; my main point is: if you want the game to be shorter you have a solution: skip some levels, even some console games give you this option now (see latest Alone in the Dark). If, on the other hand, you're like me and prefer if the game is longer you have NO solution except start from the beginning.
Especially when it comes to id games, I doubt many people would say that Doom 3 left them hungry for more.
Again, not liking D3 is a completely valid argument for disliking its length however don't rain on my parade.
I'm now playing through DOOM 3 for the 7th time, I'm 1/3rd of the way in and there's no level of the 27 total levels that I can remember (and I remember nearly ALL of them) that I'd throw away. There's not even a part that I feel "hmm... padding". But that's it, I LOVED the game. If you didn't and want to get it over with, bring down the console, type "map <NameOfMap>" and hit enter.
Besides, Rage is supposedly (in the magazine article they still don't commit) a 2010 game. Assuming the game is released in August that's 6 years of development. They mentioned they spent a year working on that Darkness game after D3 that they scrapped, that still leaves a 5 year development cycle which should be plenty for a 20 hour game.