Red Dead Redemption

We have cows here. A real cowboy would know that. :yep2:

And I bet you get taxed to hell and back for having them! :LOL:

You should come to Texas, head out west to Marfa, Alpine, or somewhere just as remote and get a real taste of cowboy life!
You know what we call 50 head of cattle around here?

Lunch. :yep2:
A little old, but interesting video. Talks about some of the technical parts of the engine & challenges. Even gets into a little bit of the PS3 version.

Walking the Walk Red Dead Redemption - 360 Version Design & Art Discussion - 54:11

Tommy McClain

Am watching now - lol @6:25 with they guy lighting up a cigarette next to the TNT :D

PLayed this to death on PS3 - so close to the platinum but the online let me down (loved playing it but too many things to get online). Bought on X360 to play again one day (this time the better version) - hope for at least BC (like said I hear a remake is pretty much out of the question - but I guess they could make a emulator wrapper for the game with upscalling and better frame-rate at some point?). Anyway, can't wait for the next installment :)
but I guess they could make a emulator wrapper for the game with upscalling and better frame-rate at some point?). Anyway, can't wait for the next installment :)

If I'm not halucinating, there have been games ported or remastered by completely different teams with really no documentation at all, years after the fact. Anything can be reverse enginered if you want it bad enough. I don't buy that excuse. Its grueling work, of course, but its the type you outsource to the kind of company that doesn't mind it. Maybe rockstar just doesn't wanna have an outside studio learn the workings of their engine.
Its grueling work, of course, but its the type you outsource to the kind of company that doesn't mind it.
I'm sure lots of studios would like a nice long port job, it's job security after all, but having to reverse engineer so much is a lot of extra work and somebody has to pay for it. That'd be Rockstar. The only way I see RDR coming to PC is if they also port it to PS4 and XBO as well, paving the way for RDR2 - especially for those folks who didn't play the original.
How much to you estimate a port to cost?
As I quoted earlier, it was already running in Win32 for developmental purposes, and of course, it's RAGE so it's x86-ready. I can't see it costing more than a half-million dollaroos to straight up port the game with no graphical improvements. Most of the cost would probably come from validating and testing, not development itself.

A full-on port to the PC and current consoles would undoubtedly mean graphical updates featuring higher res textures, better LODs, and probably some better models.......therefore a much more expensive process. However, it would be available to three different markets on three very similar platforms that can essentially run the same codebase.
How much to you estimate a port to cost?
Probably a ton, I'm almost certain the scandal that came from Benzies "Need the Benz!" story, they said they did not very well document the work they did for the RDR engine, which was apparently a separate fork of what led to what GTA V was running on XD
As I quoted earlier, it was already running in Win32 for developmental purposes, and of course, it's RAGE so it's x86-ready. I can't see it costing more than a half-million dollaroos to straight up port the game with no graphical improvements. Most of the cost would probably come from validating and testing, not development itself.

I'd bet good money that RDR used a bespoke version of the RAGE engine. One that doesn't exist on 80x86 and which would need to be recreated.

A full-on port to the PC and current consoles would undoubtedly mean graphical updates featuring higher res textures, better LODs, and probably some better models.......therefore a much more expensive process. However, it would be available to three different markets on three very similar platforms that can essentially run the same codebase.

And this is really what we're talking about. I doubt that many PC gamers would spend much on a basic port without the kind of improvements and settings options they are accustomed. I wouldn't.

But yeah, a remaster for PC/PS4/XBO is the only way I see it happened - as I said above. I'd be really happy to buy that game again. It'd probably be a game I'd buy for PS4 and PC, like GTA V, Witcher 3 and Fallout 4.
How much to you estimate a port to cost?

I have no idea but I'm certain it will be a good figure less than the financial return...especially if they manage it via an emulator - surely PCs are powerful enough to emulate the X360 these days?
Red Dead* on PC ;)




Post-processing effect is a bit mis-aligned on the screen edges, and I was too lazy to figure out which degree of hack turned it off, still looks good :)

The gameplay is shockingly good and it is amazing just how similar it plays to the 7th gen Red Dead really, excellent gameplay in this one, and even more interesting boss encounters :)
They better. Rockstar releases their old GTA's on any thing that can run them. Even if they had to re-program the game from scratch they'd eventually do it.