Halo 3 Beta: May 16th - June 7th

I am more upset that people are complaining they bought the "shitty GTA clone" just for the beta, than the beta being delayed. :mad:
Persons who actually bought and played the game would likely never say this (excluding a few anomalies). For my money, there is no doubt this game was worth it with or without the Halo 3 Beta invite. That was just icing on the cake.

On a side note, I wonder if Crackdown will get a big boost this month by people looking to get into the Beta at the last moment? It'll be interesting to look at sales numbers at the end of May and see if this had an effect. If so, MS will effectively have monetized access to the Beta without necessarily appearing to have done so. Smart move if it pans out. Of course, they may have already accomplished this with the initial sales of the title, but it's hard to know how much it would have moved sans invite, while any boost this month will definitely be attributable to the Beta invite.
Rentals might have gone up too. Gotta love Blockbuster's 'new' policy regarding late fees. ;)

yea nobody here has ever had a technical problem...:rolleyes:

geez... reserve the overreaction for other forums please.

I agree that overreaction and rising to barricades is bit too much and that technical problems are things that can't always be avoided, however I have to say that I'm disapointed by the way Bungie has handled the whole situation. A tiny update explaining nothing in their website at this morning and complete silence after that?!

Would it be too much to ask to get some further information on the matter. I know it's just a video game and all that, but people changed their schedules to get some Halo3 action today including myself... They should have been more open about this.

The good thing is that I have had plenty of time to play some Crackdown today and I'm liking it quite a lot. It's quite pretty too, but one has to be jumping in the rooftops and admiring the view from the top to truly see the beauty of this game. Also played some Forza 2 demo... It's all cool..., but I hope that tomorrow we'll all be kicking major ass in Halo 3 with the main man Master Chief :smile:

*EDIT UPDATE - 4:07 p.m. EST - A few items have been popping up online stating Xbox Live support is now saying the process will take up the entire 24 hours as stated before. If true, this would mean the beta won’t be available for play through Crackdown until 5 a.m. EST on Thursday, May 17, at the earliest. We will update as we find more information on the matter.
The good thing is that I have had plenty of time to play some Crackdown today and I'm liking it quite a lot. It's quite pretty too, but one has to be jumping in the rooftops and admiring the view from the top to truly see the beauty of this game. Also played some Forza 2 demo... It's all cool..., but I hope that tomorrow we'll all be kicking major ass in Halo 3 with the main man Master Chief :smile:

yep.... amazing game, no?

DL the free Keys to the City content (youtube example) and play in super agent Mode...with all weapons open :oops:

anyone wanting to point to any game and relish in the the amount of physics going on at any given moment need look no further than this game. :cool:
anyone wanting to point to any game and relish in the the amount of physics going on at any given moment need look no further than this game. :cool:

I'm not really seeing much physics in that video. A few flipping cars and some rag doll bodies? This isn't anything HL2 or FEAR hasn't done already.

Fun with rag doll physics is Dark Messiah, combat is centered around it.

Edit: Or check out Garry's mod for HL2.
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I'm not really seeing much physics in that video. A few flipping cars and some rag doll bodies? This isn't anything HL2 or FEAR hasn't done already.

Fun with rag doll physics is Dark Messiah, combat is centered around it.

I don't know....lining up cars/trucks/vans/jeeps down the road, starting a chain explosion while locking onto bodies and blowing them up even higher with the rocker launcher with no slowdowns whatsoever had me pretty impressed!
I don't know....lining up cars/trucks/vans/jeeps down the road, starting a chain explosion while locking onto bodies and blowing them up even higher with the rocker launcher with no slowdowns whatsoever had me pretty impressed!

yea... I do more crazy physics stuff than that video every time I play. :D

the game is a powerhouse
Update: It could be fixed within the next 6 hours (originally 2-4 from the post, now 3-6), through a title update to Crackdown (check Bungie.net).

I would assume the problem may have come in one of the prior updates to Crackdown--and the download not being a "part" of crackdown meant that it reasonably and understandably slipped by the certification process.

If it's something that's been there since the discs were printed, then... :LOL:
I'm not really seeing much physics in that video. A few flipping cars and some rag doll bodies? This isn't anything HL2 or FEAR hasn't done already.

Fun with rag doll physics is Dark Messiah, combat is centered around it.

Edit: Or check out Garry's mod for HL2.
You may not be blown away by the video, because it's been meant to showcase new weapons not limits of its physics engine. Sadly, you have to be very patient to make chain reactions as things tend to disappear. However, I once managed to make a really big one - I believe there were over 20 cars, around 30 dead bodies, 10 explosive barrels and 3 strongest grenades.The explosion was huge, some things flew really high (200feet high I believe) and there was no cheating - all the stuff that was blown up reacted accordingly to its mass and didn't just disappear in air - it all landed, causing new interactions on ground, bouncing off building etc. Not to mention crowd's reaction to the explosion. The best thing was that not a single frame was dropped.

Anyway, I want Halo 3 Beta right now:devilish:
You may not be blown away by the video, because it's been meant to showcase new weapons not limits of its physics engine. Sadly, you have to be very patient to make chain reactions as things tend to disappear. However, I once managed to make a really big one - I believe there were over 20 cars, around 30 dead bodies, 10 explosive barrels and 3 strongest grenades.The explosion was huge, some things flew really high (200feet high I believe) and there was no cheating - all the stuff that was blown up reacted accordingly to its mass and didn't just disappear in air - it all landed, causing new interactions on ground, bouncing off building etc. Not to mention crowd's reaction to the explosion. The best thing was that not a single frame was dropped.

Anyway, I want Halo 3 Beta right now:devilish:

yea... what he said :cool: Crackdown has to be played to be appreciated and the ones that crack on it, often have not played it past the demo. Rather than creating piles of explosions I prefer to jump madly about with gangs turned on and blow the crap out of everything in sight with rockets and grenades while being shot at..... so, so satisfying watching it all go sky high and then interact with the ground and the people and the buildings as it should. :D

3-6 hours will be just right for me to fire up the beta as I'll just be getting back home. :smile:
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Demo Extended by 4 days!!!!

"We realize this has been a pain for many and an inconvenience at the very least. Given the circumstances, we've decided to extend the duration of the Halo 3 Beta from June 6th to June 10th at 11:59 PM PDT. So, you lost almost a full day of play today but to make up for it we're tacking on four more days (and a weekend at that)."

Now THAT'S how you make customers happy! GJ Bungie!

Note : A rare bug has been discovered that sometimes results in improper text display in the game UI. Basically, you won't see any text at all. If you encounter this issue, you can fix it yourself by doing the following:

1. Restart your Xbox 360
2. Boot up the Halo 3 Beta
3. While the Halo 3 Beta is loading, immediately press up on the D-Pad and hold the A button until you see the Bungie logo. If you perform this correctly a dialog box will appear confirming maintenance has been done to your system.
4. Resume the Halo 3 Beta!
Q: any technical reason that they couldn't just let people play the beta for fun after June 10? I mean, they don't have to collect data...
Q: any technical reason that they couldn't just let people play the beta for fun after June 10? I mean, they don't have to collect data...

It's not good to eat too much dessert before the main course. main course being the retail version.

edit: I just loaded the beta, but it doesn't let me play it... Seems to be currently unavailable.