The two characters look and speak very differently to me. The hero character isn’t hollywood pretty (like most ppl) but that by itself shouldn’t be an issue. Hollywood isn’t all pretty anymore either in the classic sense. The cast of Stranger Things won’t be winning any pageants for example.
I had no audio, to my defense. And it's a really bad example about the beauty topic anyway, since characters are underage.
But i disagree about Stranger Things. Idk the show, but i saw a story about one actress on Kotaku:
That's a very beautiful girl, and also natural and likeable, no? Good example for what i would like to see in games too.
But what i get is Aloy from HZD. She's not ugly, no, but she isn't natural or likeable. She has a totally stupid haircut, and the male characters of the game have even worse, stupid haircuts.
Imagine you're in a post apocalyptic future, which looks like a beach paradise, and AI driven robo dinosaurs with laser eyes try to kill you. Would you spend 3 hours a day to braid your hair so it looks fancy and draws attention?
No. It's ridiculous bullshit only nerdy gamedevs who never have left their basement can come up with, i would say.
We also have the (now outdated) other extreme. Take some eastern RPG / MMO. It's all goddesses in daring outfits, and eventually there are no male characters at all.
That's just as ridiculous. Ideally we could claim it's even worse, but imo. both is just as bad as the other.
Games still have not grown up.
At least many of them. A good example for 'correct' amount of beauty would be Death Stranding imo, just to list one.
If i dare to expand the topic further, including color of skin, it does not get better.
But i can use Hollywood examples. Like the new Arielle movie. That's a danish fairytale. So imo there is no point to put a black cast on it, if you don't add some explicit reason as well. What we get is black washing, and it feels ridiculous and wrong.
If i was black and i wanted to see more black cast in movies, then i would still feel both misunderstood and disrespected from the movie and games industry.
I would not want Arielle. I would want some story inspired from my culture, not just my color of skin in a white story. Disney has created an iconic white, red haired character for Arielle. I would be fine with that. No need to suddenly swap it out with a black girl.
There was another movie, 80's or 90's, 'Crossroads'. It was a movie about blues guitarists, with Steve Vai. And it was white washed. You can not make a movie about blues with all white guys. That's ridiculous bullshit. Just, i don't see how the modern movement of black washing does any batter than that. It sucks just as much, almost, and they should do better.
It's good to see some manage to do better. E.g. the second game shown, 'South of Midnight', with the film noir blues guitarist. Just a cgi trailer so far, but regarding those society topics it feels well done and good progress. \
