Quick Resume List

- Gears of War 4 - for me quick resume works about 50 % of resumes,
- Hades - for me quick resume works below 50 % of resumes (game crashes when after quick resume you move to next chamber)
- Borderlands Pre-Sequel - quick resume works,
- Watch Dogs 1 - seems to work (I used olny few times - not sure about stability),
- Conan (xbox 360) - works
- NFS Heat - works
- Mass Effect Andromeda - usually works, but after quick resume game always frezzes for about minute
- Crash Bandicoot 4 - no quick resume
- Curse of the dead Gods - no quick resume,
- Bulletstorm - works,
- Mudrunner - works,
- Remnant: From Ashes - works,
- Livelock - works
- Killer is Dead (xbox 360) - works,
- F.E.A.R. 2 (xbox 360) - works,
- Sine Mora (xbox 360) - works,
- RAGE (xbox 360) - works,
- Metal Gear Rising (xbox 360) - works,
- Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edtion (xbox 360) - works,
- Star Wars: Force Unleashed (xbox 360) - works,
- Splinter Cell - Convition (xbox 360) - works
Torchlight II - no quick resume
Call of Juarez Gunslinger (XBOX360) - no quick resume
Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom - no quick resume

Forza Horizon 1 (Xbox360) - quick resume works
Dirt 3 (Xbox360) - quick resume works,
Ryse does NOT support Quick Resume for some unfathomable reason.
And the game requires a ~25-30 second load each time you launch it, even though it's installed on the XSX internal drive.
Very unpleasant.
Ryse does NOT support Quick Resume for some unfathomable reason.
And the game requires a ~25-30 second load each time you launch it, even though it's installed on the XSX internal drive.
Very unpleasant.
This was also very unplesant suprise for me. I hoped to try out Ryse but lack of quick resume making it somewhat difficult for me (i can play in olny 15-20 min blocks of time).