GTHD has HDR right?
Now does it have 2xMSAA during gameplay when at 720p? I have heard that it does...
Should have 2x MSAA @ 720p considering the game is supposed to run at 1080p native.
As far as HDR goes, there is a billion different version of HDR, but yes it has something that can qualify as HDR.
Cool. I have questions about ps3 first party games and AA, HDR (eg. Motorstorm, F1, Resistance.) Where can I ask them? Or have they most likely been answered in another thread...if so can you point in the right direction?
There has been quite a few discussions about this (at least about using HDR and AA at the same time on the PS3 if thats what your wondering about ) due to the fact that Nvidia PC G70's isn't very supportive for this (HL2 being the only Pc game exception) and people have been wondering about how this translates to the g70 based RSX, im sure you can find some discussions about it in the Console Technology forum, or you could just make a new post there.
Hm...I'm afraid I'll get "we've been through this already" kind of post.
I know HS is doing it...due to new techniques, but I wondered whether Motorstorm and F1 have it also. Can that be a new post...i don't want to clog up the forums.
On topic...GTHD - do you think they are demoing out their models for GT5 in GTHD (eg. Nissan)
Motorstorm doesnt have AA to my recollection, dunno about F1. HDR without AA isn't a very challenging task for a G7x gpu. People who moderates B3D aren't nazi's, as long as you dont troll or make a topic they discuss every week, it will be fine.
(Aspecially if it asks new questions). Worst case scenario is that they close your thread and give you a link to another.
I would presume so, however considering that rumors are pointing towards implementing car damage in GT5, i'm not sure. Car damage (unless done entirely by physics - which would be freakin' AWESOME) would hog a lot of RAM, and these car models are soooo pretty i would reckon they already take up a lot of space...
Not only, in GT4 you have heat from the road, etc that give more realistic on the visual aspect, and for the cars they are also more realist in the TV replay than the in-game, more polish and some little things who enhance the visual.
I only speak on the visual impression not the number of polygons by car, I think in replay you can enhance the AA, the lighting/shadow due to the fact that was scripted…
Hmm, I might be dumb but isn't the replay much less predictable?
I mean with the colour filter and camera angles changing accordingly to the music being played?
I mean the camera even moves faster than the cars.
If any the actual gameplay with more fixed camera angles and speeds should allow for those small touches.
Your only rendering, your not calculating physics or AI or anything, you can use 100% at drawing nice cars, you allready know how the cars are going to move, where the camera is in relation to this in a 3d game wouldn't really matter (well, if your going to render all the cars at once from certain angles, it will be harder to render than just 1 car, but the camera moving alone doesn't matter.)
But the physics are done on the EE, not the GS which renders the graphics.
And with the replay camera more elements of the tracks are rendered due to the angle and placement where as during gameplay the camera is fixed without any drastic swirls.
Which is also why the replay mode, while adding graphical fidelity is rendered at 30fps and not 60fps
Is it for GT4 and GT:HD that it renders at 30fps during replay or only for GT4?
And regarding replays not needing physics, AI, etc., that might be true of GT:HD Concept, but I don't think it was true for the previous GTs, which probably recorded only player input and then recomputed all physics and AI during the replay. Recording everything would have required too much precious memory on PS2.
Time: XX:XX
Car 1 coordinates XX,YY,ZZ, Speed: XX, Angle of movement: XX ,RPM: XX
Car 2 coordinates XX,YY,ZZ, Speed: XX, Angle of movement: XX ,RPM: XX
Car 3 coordinates XX,YY,ZZ, Speed: XX, Angle of movement: XX ,RPM: XX
Car 4 coordinates XX,YY,ZZ, Speed: XX, Angle of movement: XX ,RPM: XX
Car 5 coordinates XX,YY,ZZ, Speed: XX, Angle of movement: XX ,RPM: XX
Car 6 coordinates XX,YY,ZZ, Speed: XX, Angle of movement: XX ,RPM: XX
WHat are you saying? Have you playied GT4? The game runs at steady 60fps in both replay and gameplay and both look superb.
Only GT:HD runs at 30fps during replay
Is it for GT4 and GT:HD that it renders at 30fps during replay or only for GT4?
GT:HD i know drops in framerate, i have no idea of what GT4 does (im getting old, my memory isn't what it was, sold my ps2 summer 2005), i dont remember GT4 being much better in replay mode (there was subtle differences thought)
When he asked whether it was just GT4 doing that I took his comment as a confirmation as GT4 going down to 30fps...and I only knew about GTHD doing that, so I added the two together and got both.
Sorry was just trying to say that GTHD does it. My bad.
Recording replays in game is very memory effective, whats normally done is just a record of whats happening in terms of numerical data. Basically this is what a in game recording looks like (well not quite but you get the idea).