DOOM 3 BFG Edition - Remastered, Armour-mounted flashlights + DOOM 1 & 2 [360/PS3/PC]

Having tried frame gen but not multifrramegen, I seriously ca't understand what peopole line in it. Yes, it's "smoother", but the actual feeling when playing is just as good/bad as without it and tbh, at least my brain functions better without. I'm not saying FG feels like "rubberbands" but close to it. MFG to my understanding (from what I've herard from people who have used it) doesn't change it at all.
haven't tried MFG myself if you mean the one nVidia is using, but I've used Lossless Scaling extensively and on my 165Hz monitor it's kinda noticeable but not that much, however on my 360Hz monitor the difference is quite important. Playing games with FG at 360Hz or simply at the max of your display's refresh rate is something all of use should try at least once. At least using Adaptive Frame Generation, which makes it very simple.

It crazy that you need to chase hundreds of FPS just to reach the motion clarity I have at 60hz on my CRT monitor.

Get on eBay/Facebook market place and go and get yourself a CRT monitor if you want good motion clarity.
if CRTs were still made... meant for modern technologies.. I had my last CRT monitor in the early 2000s. The motion clarity is still unmatched, but 360fps for instance is just an excellent framerate in every way, for the reason you mention, motion clarity, and also there is the smoothness, which gets to a certain point where CRTs can't macth it...

However, 360Hz is still far from perfect on 4K displays, motion clarity wise. On a 1080p monitor, 360Hz refresh rate means that when you rotate the camera wieht the mouse, there is just a 3 pixels motion blur effect, making things look soooo clean overall -try UFO display tests-.

At 4K, though, you need at least 1440Hz to achieve the same effect, roughly, and ideally 3840Hz for perfect motion clarity. There is still a long way to go. Also it depends on the velocity of the camera, not just the pixels, etc.

on another note....
