Battlefield: Bad Company (PS3 & Xbox 360)

Use ironsights?

Yeah, it still seems pretty poor. I can't seem to kill anyone unless they're within' short range.

Edit: Let me add that I may just really really suck at this game. I'm also a poor shot with the sniper rifle. Do the bullets drop over distance? Like, do I need to aim above my target if they're far away? I was trying to snipe a guy on top of a hill, and he was sitting still, so I had infinite time to put my cross hair on him, but I still couldn't hit him. Another few times I just aimed quick and fired and got the kill. So I'm wondering if I had accidentally corrected for some variables in the way the bullet travels.
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Yeah, it still seems pretty poor. I can't seem to kill anyone unless they're within' short range.

Edit: Let me add that I may just really really suck at this game. I'm also a poor shot with the sniper rifle. Do the bullets drop over distance? Like, do I need to aim above my target if they're far away? I was trying to snipe a guy on top of a hill, and he was sitting still, so I had infinite time to put my cross hair on him, but I still couldn't hit him. Another few times I just aimed quick and fired and got the kill. So I'm wondering if I had accidentally corrected for some variables in the way the bullet travels.

there's a bit of a time lag from muzzle to target, if you shoot a wall you should see this demonstrated.

The reason you kept missing this stationary target is because the hit detection in this game is a bit sucky. Plus It'll often take 2 shots to kill, one shot will often only wound (even with the big .50 cal rifle... i mean come on!) as demonstrated by the high number of assists i get after having taken a shot at someone and thought i missed, followed by them scarpering off never to be seen again.

It's the one thing i find really irritating about this game!
Yeah, it still seems pretty poor. I can't seem to kill anyone unless they're within' short range.

I think that has more to do with the games hit detection and generally very poor weapon "physics". The hit detection is laughable at best, and the aiming is terrible compared to other games..

The weapons dont act like they should at all, the whole recoil model is flawed (its flawed in 99% of all shooters thought), and i find it hilarious that a single .50 bullet fired from a Barret M107 Sniper rifle, doesn't kill you?????

A rifle designed to take out armored vechicles, this thing will penetrate most commercial bricks\concrete. A .50 BMG round through the chest should leave you with a nice big hole in your chest...
there's a bit of a time lag from muzzle to target, if you shoot a wall you should see this demonstrated.

The reason you kept missing this stationary target is because the hit detection in this game is a bit sucky. Plus It'll often take 2 shots to kill, one shot will often only wound (even with the big .50 cal rifle... i mean come on!) as demonstrated by the high number of assists i get after having taken a shot at someone and thought i missed, followed by them scarpering off never to be seen again.

It's the one thing i find really irritating about this game!

Yeah, I find it hard to get kills. I'll be in a good position and see a guy running across an open space. I'll fire some bursts from the assault rifle and see a few red flashes, so I know I hit him, but he won't die. The only time I get a lot of kills is in the vehicles. I had a really insane tank run yesterday (I was manning the MG and had a really good driver).
a couple thimngs that I found helpful to the MP game play (not hit detection helpful, though) was turning the voice over to common language on either team, upping my control aim sensitivity, reducing vibration to "weak", and setting vehicle control to sticks only so they operate ala Halo warthog.

Speaking at GDC Paris this morning, EA DICE’s Ben Cousens told the crowd that the developer currently has five Battlefield games in the works.

“Since the start of this year I’ve been working as executive producer for the entire Battlefield franchise - we’ve got five titles in development at the moment, which is probably more than you expect,” he said.

Battlefield: Heroes and Battlefield: Bad Company are known, obviously, but apparently the three other games include a traditional core title aimed at consoles and a new collaboration with Neowiz specifically for the Korean market.

Translation: we're gonna milk this baby till it runs dry and then try some more!
So, for people who have bought BF:BC :

Which one seems more fun: Warhawk or BF:BC on the ps3?

I loved the demo of BF:BC.Had a lot f fun in MP, but campaign felt broken to me.
I was thinking that the MP is so much fun coz of the almost unlimited options in which you can attack the base, so many vehicles, so many paths to lead there, and the Gold rush mode is just FUN!
Then I concluded that Warhawk also has a lot of vehicles , multiple ways to attack, and big open maps (?I don't know). But since there is no demo for Warhawk I can't judge for myself if Warhawk is as fun or more fun than BF;Bad Company.

So, my question for people who have both the games:
Which is more fun : Battlefield or Warhawk?
Is the SP of Battlefield:BC worth the extra money? (Warhawk being only MP costs much less)
Well, the singleplayer demo was absolutely rubbish. I doubt they did anything to fix that.

It would be helpful to discuss why you thought so...

Personally, I'm not sure what to expect. I downloaded the demo last night, but I won't have time to play until tonight. The humour as displayed in the numerous shorts have kept me interested enough to give it a shot (I haven't played any of the BF games).
Well, the AI wasn't particularly good, the story was imo "meh", and the way cutscenes are handled totally ruins the immersion. There is no smooth transition between cutscenes and gameplay. The singleplayer game felt like "The Outfit", which was terrible. i simply cannot see a good SP game in there.

The gunplay is akward, the aiming isn't smooth at all compared to CoD4. The way recoil is handled is flawed (but most devs for some reason dunno how to make a proper recoil model).
The destructable enivornment is completely scripted, thus after destroying a few walls, its not fun anymore for me, because things gets destroyed the exact same way every time.
I played some of the SP and MP yesterday. The SP so far is good but nothing special. I like fact that the game doesn't take it self to seriously. It a nice break from all the "realistic" shooters. The jokes are a little bit hits and miss though.

The MP is as good as it was in the demo.
[RANT] Rather disappointing is the fact that it doesn't have any clansupport or the ability to make a party. While you can join a friend, chances are still that you'll be put in the other team or a different squad. I know Dice has been asking around about what this game needs, and received plenty advice. But none of it has made it in the game so far. Which leaves me wondering, did they run out of development time and decided that certain online features could added later with a patch. The problem this recreates is that clanwars are impossible right now, and if the patch isn't here in two weeks clans will start moving away to other games because thats when the most activity on the clanladders usually start. It seems that Insomniac made something truly unique when they created Resistance. Because no one has taken notice of what they made.

And just as I predicted, there were server problems on day one. I hate it when i'm right.[/RANT]

Hopefully this will all get fixed soon.
You can't make a party? That's a huge omission. I thought that was standard in pretty much every game?

Tried Resistance yesterday. Didn't play any MP, but played split-screen SP with my brother. I wasn't really impressed. There's nothing really wrong with it, it's just very very average. Controls are solid, but the gameplay isn't exceptional. It feels a little more like Serious Sam or another less realistic shooter. I guess the laundry-list of MP features including clan support is what makes it so popular, but the SP player was just ok.
Resistance SP starts a little slow but get a lot better later on. MP is very impressive, its incredible how far above other games its MP features are. Most games offer only slightly more than Battlefield is doing now. Its almost like they dont want people to play together.

Edit: For Resistance SP, dont be tempted to restricting yourself to the carbine. Experiment with all the weapons and their secondary fire modes.
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Don't judge a 12 hour game by the first 20 minutes. The game really picks up pace and the game play and weapons are second to none. I'd say only Orange Box is a better FPS experience this gen, online co-op would have been great though.
Just for the record, I have found the hit detection muc improved over the demo... don't know if anyone else has noticed that?
Well, now that quite a few days have passed since the BF:BC release, I would like to re-ask;) my question:

So, for people who have bought BF:BC :

Which one seems more fun: Warhawk or BF:BC on the ps3?

I loved the demo of BF:BC.Had a lot f fun in MP, but campaign felt broken to me.
I was thinking that the MP is so much fun coz of the almost unlimited options in which you can attack the base, so many vehicles, so many paths to lead there, and the Gold rush mode is just FUN!
Then I concluded that Warhawk also has a lot of vehicles , multiple ways to attack, and big open maps (?I don't know). But since there is no demo for Warhawk I can't judge for myself if Warhawk is as fun or more fun than BF;Bad Company.

So, my question for people who have both the games:
Which is more fun : Battlefield or Warhawk?
Is the SP of Battlefield:BC worth the extra money? (Warhawk being only MP costs much less)
Ive only tried warhawk a little bit, but it feels rather dated. MP in BF:BC while not being close to as good as in BF2 on PC, is fun enough..

IF your only choices are BF or Warhawk, i say go for BF. The MP in BF is imo much more interesting..
Ive only tried warhawk a little bit, but it feels rather dated. MP in BF:BC while not being close to as good as in BF2 on PC, is fun enough..

IF your only choices are BF or Warhawk, i say go for BF. The MP in BF is imo much more interesting..

Ya, the MP on BF is just a lot of fun ;)! I just wanted impressions of Warhawk in relation to this, as Warhawk was praised a lot too, when it launched.
Ya, the MP on BF is just a lot of fun ;)! I just wanted impressions of Warhawk in relation to this, as Warhawk was praised a lot too, when it launched.

Id say warhawk was decent when it came out but a good deal because it was cheap in my opinion. If you buy warhawk instead of BFBC your going to get very dissapointed i think, your buying a game thats a year older, and that wasn't particularly awesome back then.
Comparing BF:BC and Warhawk is a bit silly, they are very different games. Which one will be more fun is impossible to answer, it's all about taste. If Warhawk is "dated", then what is BF:part 5 :)

About the best you can say about using the age of a game is how large or stable is the player base. It's hard to say if BF:BC will be the next COD4 or the next Timeshift. The Warhawk community is large and thriving, but maybe you want to get into a game when it is new and everyone is learning.

Warhawk is a 3rd person 32-player (dedicated server) arcade-ish game which is known for aerial combat (hence the name). BF games are FP military shooters with vehicles.