Yeah, you could play it in the award winning highly innovative slower-than-realtime mode! (a.k.a. slow-mo). Or of course play it from a few different people's perspectives.
There were all sorts of knives though ... some were better for throwing, etc. Also, good opportunity to make some great use of hand-wielding weapons and hand-to-hand combat. Maybe an idea for motion-plus on the wii, or may require a third person perspective. But it would be really cool nonetheless.
Geez......unless i upgrade my computer this game is out of reach for me (My Pc barely handled CoD4 as is)
I'd never thought id say this, but i might actually pick this up for the Wii......(assuming its Wii is my only console this generation). Cuz i dont think I'll be upgrading my Pc anytime soon unless SC2 comes out this year (thats the time for upgrade for me)