Yeah Psvr 2.0Did your breakout box update itself to 2.0 already?
Btw anybody have any tips for doing Psvr Light calibration?
Sony give shitty explanation how to do it.
It says: lineup the LED with the outlines on the screen until it turned from red to white. Or something similar sounding.
In the reality, Psvr calibration app refuse to run the calibration despite all LED already lined up with the online and all of them already turned white.
If I shook my Psvr violently it will detect the position for a few secs. So it still fails the calibration (it need to read the LEDs for 10 seconds).
I guess, to complete the calibration, there is other hidden requirements that sony choose to hide. Why? Dunno.
This is sony. Their software is often baffling.