The PSVR launch thread

The EU PS Store seems to have a nice amount of non gaming, free content already available.
Allummette, Invasion! and Littlstar VR Cinema for example.
And the Media Player shold get an update toi support 360 degree video (what about 3D VR video?)
Should get one today too, yay! And the missing Move controller tomorrow if the seller won't screw up with the shipping. I have only one Move from the PS3 days and I've been waiting until the last moment to get the second as I figured I might be able to get the new revision, but it seems Sony are selling them in two packs only, so another PS3 Move it is (I hope Sony didn't improve the sensors or something 'cause that would suck.. for me ;)).

My friend's friend really hopes for a Japanese-English Asian realease, his 日本語 skills are not nearly good enough to enjoy research this game. :yep2:

I would have no problem playing it in Japanese. It's just I don't want to buy it twice.

Because PS4 digital content is region locked. Of this was on Xbox, I'll just buy the Japanese version and later when they released the english version, I'll redownload the English (by manually changing the store region).
Our PSVR arrived about 30 mins ago. It's installed and setup and Sony have hit it out the park. I've tried it briefly at a demo unit but it's a whole different experience when you have in your own home. The dual 960x1080 resolution hits you immediately, then you don't notice again because it's fucking VR and you're too busy looking at everything around you. :runaway:
Wow!! My first impression was that the resolution really is quite low, more so than I thought, and a bit blurry too. But after experiencing the Shark attack I was sold. The immersion and feeling of being there is just awesome!! I was really scared and almost couldn't handle it when the shark attacked :D
I only tried the Luge game before that and there the low res really ruined the experience.
Now gotta go try some rest of the VR Worlds, Arkham, EVE Valkyrie and those free animation videos.
What a great device, I can only imagine a few years on when the resolution is true 1080p and beyond :cool:
I just tried Capcom's The Kitchen demo. Really cool and genuinely scary. Don't think I'd wanna play the entire game that way, though. Resolution didn't bother me all that much. It may look a little jaggy (the kitchen demo certainly does), but it feels eerily real. The last thing I'm thinking about when someone waves a giant kitchen knife in front of my face is aliasing I guess. I actually prefer the headset a little over the HTC and Oculus offerings. The lack of a clearly visible pixel matrix easily makes up for the resolution deficit. It's not like the resolution on the competing devices is particularly high anyway. Really comfortable device too.

Still, I'm probably good with using the thing at the office every now and then. I just don't think I'd ever wanna play entire, lengthy games with it.
What a great device, I can only imagine a few years on when the resolution is true 1080p and beyond :cool:
I don't know what you mean by "true 1080p", but the PSVR is true 1080p, at least in the sense that it uses a RGB OLED panel.

Perhaps you meant 1080p per eye? I don't know if a 16:9 aspect ratio makes sense, since a squared panel would be a better fit. Or even a circular one, if that could save some performance and increase panel yields.
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I don't know what you mean by "true 1080p", but the PSVR is true 1080p, at least in the sense that it uses a RGB OLED panel.

Perhaps you meant 1080p per eye? I don't know if a 16:9 aspect ratio makes sense, since a squared panel would be a better fit.
I guess I meant that if it looked as sharp as 1080p content, as now anything just a bit further looks like some 480 resolution.
Honestly, I don't have much idea of what the resolution of PSVR is in technical terms, just how it looks.
There seems to be some permanent film grain effect too, and I'm pretty ure I've taken all the covering plastic films off.
There seems to be some permanent film grain effect too, and I'm pretty ure I've taken all the covering plastic films off.

Perhaps this is "screen-door effect". You're "noticing" the black spaces between sub-pixels.
The film grain effects happen if you don't have the headset on properly. You need to shift it a bit left-right or up-down.

Just got mine as well. Fantastic! There really is no screen door effect. But aliasing definitely happens here and there, and because otherwise it already looks so incredibly good, you can imagine that at some point the resolution will be high enough and then VR has really nailed it.

One of the first things to try should definitely be the Playroom VR demo. It has a lot of interesting stuff and looks really nice. My son's favorite (and I love it too) is a saloon game where you need to shoot a bad guy, but a player looking at the TV has to describe which one to shoot. Great fun.

There's also a 3D platformer. And the 'playroom' where you can play a grapple game to earn little additions to the room is really charming. The menu is nicely done too, and lots of cool effects happening. It's a great place to start when you just got the VR headset! And free ...

Oh and both my wife and me really needed glasses while playing this, so a huge win that this works nicely!
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Nobody yet decided to void their warranty and teardown the processor unit, for science?

Wuss. :rolleyes:
Perhaps this is "screen-door effect". You're "noticing" the black spaces between sub-pixels.

It might be the irregularities in the panel manufacturing ("mura"). Due to the proximity to the screen and being isolated from ambient light, it's very easy to see brightness differences when the panels are dim.
Roadtovr did say in their review that the mura effect is more noticeable on psvr than oculus/vive. It's supposed to be more visible in very dark scenes, and disappears in brighter or more contrasted games. It might become a game design recommendation for psvr...
The grain I'm seeing is not screen door effect as it's very irregular, almost like some fabric texture that looks like a layer of it's own. It's very visible for example in Arkham during the transitions when screen is blank but not completely black.
Arkham by the way looks otherwise amazing, it really helps that most of the action is close and so stays sharp enough. Spent hours just admiring the batcave and all the equipment.
Haven't experienced much motion sickness. Worst, but still just tolerable was during the VR Worlds space shooter game that I played standing, the standard fps movement with sticks really can make you feel seasick.
Edit: ok, I think it's the mura effect I'm seeing.
I'll check it out. I played the first level of Thumper and it's graphics are ... amazing. Gameplay is mostly a rhythm game and quite a simple one at that but wow, how it looks!

I also really liked the simple ball bouncing game in VR Worlds and though I thought London Heist was a bit light on gameplay (though smoking a cigar was amusing), I really loved the shooting range levels. Very good stuff.

Tumble is very good as expected, and my wife really enjoyed Super Hypercube (haven't tried that myself yet).

I tried the DriveClub demo and have to say that when racing, the graphics resolution is in fact too low for me. I was quite disappointed. The full game downloaded tonight and will try that tomorrow along with various other stuff like Super Stardust and Batman. Man there is a lot of stuff to try.

I'm hoping that all the new folks entering into VR here know about the risks of sunlight and exposed lenses in these style HMDs? Remember they're using something akin to a 5-10x magnifier, so you have to be very careful about where you leave the hardware lying around. The worst thing about it is that you probably won't even realize it until you go to put the device on and see a damaged display. Probably would be a good idea to get into the habit of placing a cloth or dust cover over it when it's not in use, especially if it's used in a room where the sun happens to make a pass through.
I get this mura too, but I don't always notice it.

Regardless, this thing rocks!

Resolution is a problem when trying to see things in a distance. This made Eve Valkyrie and Driveclub a bit worse than I thought (I had assumed those would be the best experiences). In Eve it's hard to discern the smaller ships at a distance, for example.
Driveclub.. detail felt so low that I wonder if they're even rendering at the headset's native resolution.

Best experience for me so far was a Mario-like platformer in Playroom VR. It really brings another dimension to the genre!
You guys! Ah! I will join the VR world next weeeek! (if it's not delayed yet again)

In the mean time some info I got from the Internet

- Psvr can be used as generic hdmi display device. So you can use it to display pc, xbox, etc. Still unknown can it receive 3D hdmi and display it in 3d on virtual screen.

- water is not allowed to be used to clean the lenses. How the heck can I clean it when it's starts to get oily?

- the games resolution vary widely. But the general consensus is that simple looking games have the best resolution