Dr Evil said:
blakjedi said:
There is nothing that I have seen that if possible on one console is NOT possible on another console. Nothing.
But how do you know that. I mean we still don't exactly know how big the difference between the 2 consoles is.
You answered your own question right there. You may want the PS3 to be more "powerful" (a subjective, artful term at best) and the CPU in PS3 in raw horses
is twice the power of x360 cpu... but the GPU powers are still up int the air and the efficiency of the CPU<=>GPU designs are still up in the air.. until and unless we can nail down all three of those areas for both boxes, comparisons are useless.
So far all the games shown are kinda smoke and mirrors especially Sony's displays. We have NO idea really what PS3 can do. The tech demos were no better rulers to judge power with, as at least two demos used two (2) cells working in parallel to render .jpgs which were then streamed over a G5 network then recorded...
as if they were a single cells realtime performance... thats false but effective advertising.
I can't call it myself, and I have spent this entire week reading and watching everything then asking about everything I saw or read... there are a few peoples best guesses and estimations which I esteem on this board, but in light of new facts from E3, many of them are also confused about the powers (relative and absolute) about the systems. This board appears to be the technical reference of choice for 3d hardware across the internet why wouldnt I believe people with this level of reputation?
As far as my preferences are concerned, I prefer xbox because I prefer xbox IPs from this last generation, but I have every intention of buying a PS3 this generation and maybe Rev too cause this upcoming generation may be the generation of great games NOT to miss.
All of this imho of course.
EDIT: As far as mech is concerned.. I really hope that KZ3 is possible on the PS3.. but 1) i have no doubt that even though GoW is not as dramatic as KZ3, and 2) I have no doubt the GoW looks better than KZ3 in video form. Shrug.
I never asked anyone to believe me, I said dont believe the hype from anyone... I could care less what any company exec says about a game cause I can see for myself whether what they are saying is true... and until its in a reviewers hands as finished product, or running on the game floor, its not real and may not be attainable. None of SCE games were, in the form they presented in video, also running in that form on the show floor...
I would rather believe the technical, knowledgeable, members of this messageboard than the corporate CEO, VP, or salesman anyday, cause they B3Ders ARENT trying to sell me anything...