Ironically people arent discussing "technology", what it has achieved considering it is real time and the technical cepabilities of the console, how it did it, what techniques and tricks have been used etc etc.
In the contrary the discussion isnt any better than any other forum.
Also people seem to ignore than not everyone is a tech geek in here and there are no rules that force these people to shut up or not express what they see.
The "technological" nature of the forum can be used only as an excuse since it is also unfairly nitpicked by people who dont know about graphics or technology.
It is being nitpicked to death as if there is a perfect looking game, and it is being nitpicked for things other games are doing worse, while everything that sets it apart or is impressive is completely undiscussed or downplayed in case someone tries to. Why?
And this is not a problem only in here. It is almost in every thread.
They are real time games and they should be judged as such. "I see a blurry texture, I see no shadow, hey there is no reflection here". That's not a technological discussion by any means. Especially when people are selective with what screen they choose to discuss upon.
In case of Killzone 2 yes it suffers just like every other real time game. Ofcourse. It is real time on a certain hardware and the devs arent Gods. In some places to a lesser extend in others to a greater. Bottom line is that the developers have chosen the right things to reduce or increase at the right places, leaving room for improvement on important areas to achieve the needed visual illusion that people craved to believe this is like a CGI movie (irrelevant whether it has reached the original). Trying to nitpick some parts is only the half story. Seeing the whole picture is different. The forum is not about nitpicking.
All games lack in an area or two. It is a natural phenomenon. The forum is about everything.
The screenshots showing things such as lack of some shadows (missing only in some areas but totally mindblowing and existing in others. But this was ignored and undiscussed. Only certain images that lack them deserve discussion?), some blurred textures and the likes express their very careful and smart approach. If I didnt watch the screenshots first I wouldnt have noticed until I tried to watch it more carefully.
Lastly the game is being criticized in here for its static imagery, but thats just only a part of the whole package. The A.I, animation and physics are also part of the complete visual quality. Yet this is downlplayed as well despite that it is doing it so well that, animation for example, feels as if it came out of a CGI movie. These are technical achievements too. And they also played their role at increasing the illusion of a CGI render. Such animations and varied motions I only saw them in CGI and never have I expected Guerilla to do that so extraordinary well during gameplay. This also played its part in fooling people because it gives a sense of something scripted while it is not. It is not just static imagery that make offline renders so much more impressive, so Killzone doesnt have to approach only that imagery in quality to fool the eye.
The fact that people were blown away and feel this was supposed to be achieved only on high end computers if at all gives information on the game's visual splendor.