Sunset Overdrive: From Insomniac Games [XO]

I ended up settling on the Boomerang gun most. Initially it seemed pretty weak, but some level-up and amps really makes it powerful - the best thing is that its a good all-rounder for (up to mid level) OD and Fizzco Bots.

I hope the sales of this warrant a second.
I tended to use guns that had cool effects, so this like the hairspray bomb, the firework guns, the freeze gun. I like bright flashing lights.
Are weapons unlocked through SP progression only?

Atm, I have bought all weapons that are available in the shop...

Yah, they become available as you get new bases on the map, or at certain points in the story. You may also be able to get them through multiplayer rewards. Multiplayer was actually good, but I doubt many people play it anymore.
I had the game lockup and crash twice on the same mission. I'm hoping its the software and not the hardware.

Does the story get more interesting than go here, get this and return? My fundamental issues with the combat so far is, they basically force you into grinding non-stop, but then you spend so much effort trying to link together grinds or change direction that the shooting and aiming seems to be secondary. The shooting and moving have a sort of disconnect, you either focus on one or the other, its hard to do both. My favorite move is to find a large bouncy object and just bounce up and down while I spin around and shoot. This eliminates the need to grind and keep me off the ground which they punish you hard for doing. I almost feel they should have made it a pure melee game and then the movement would have synergy with the combat. Now I feel like I have to choose which I want to do well.

I started seeing past the colorful art last night. The last gen faces and models with the annoying aliasing was in my face all night. It didn't help that I went from a 50" to a 65" TV, which is exaggerating the 900P and aliasing. It is still a pretty game for open world, but not on par with some others.
This game seems to be a very good game for kids. A friend of mine who usually plays Battlefield 4, plays it a lot. I've watched videos he upload in my friends feed, and he has a lot of videos, screenshots and stuff. The videos are usually quite fun to watch.

So the other day I commented on one of the videos and he told me personally that it was his daughter and not him playing Sunset Overdrive. Well, the protagonist was a female but I thought it was him. The thing is that his daughter seems to play the game a lot, and it shows.

Judging by the gameplay, art, lines of dialogue, etc, it appears to be a very good game.
Judging by the gameplay, art, lines of dialogue, etc, it appears to be a very good game.

Clearly you have not played it. The game is full of swearing, I had to turn it to censored mode ("beep you motherbeeper!"). The humor is not for kids, unless you are talking teenagers. Insomniac confuse clever humor with foul language, trying to hard to be cool.
Clearly you have not played it. The game is full of swearing, I had to turn it to censored mode ("beep you motherbeeper!"). The humor is not for kids, unless you are talking teenagers. Insomniac confuse clever humor with foul language, trying to hard to be cool.
I didn't, that's true. But your post makes me wonder if dubbed versions in other languages have been toned down in that sense. The cool vibe around the language, yes, it was there, it sounded like the wording of your typical teenager. I am galician, non native english, language wise.

I mean, from the numerous videos I watched I don't remember having heard anyone swearing. --the oddest clip I saw showed a guy dressed like a female, he was also wearing a wig, and he was flying towards the camera while handling an umbrella, like Mary Poppins. :)
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I’m not usually the sort of gamer who’s uncomfortable with excessive profanity or gore, but I found Sunset Overdrive’s tone grating enough at points that I decided to give its swear filter a shot last night. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it actually makes the game a lot more charming in its own small way.

Basically, the way the profanity filter works is the same as all the immensely self-aware humour in Sunset Overdrive: by turning it into its own joke. So any time a character says “f**k”, “asshole” or some variation therefore, you hear a tinny “bleep” instead.
Many of you have played Sunset Overdrive in the months since it launched on Xbox One last holiday. We’re so grateful for all of your support and great feedback on the game.

We ran a trial period a while back and got a great response, so we’re going to do another trial through Xbox Live Xbox’s Trial and Deals with Gold! Running from June 9th through June 15th, Xbox Live gold members can download the full game and play it* for up to three hours.

Additionally, the full game, season pass, and digital deluxe edition will all be 33% off for Gold Members during this period as well.

For best results with the three-hour trial, we recommend waiting for the game to download to 100% before you begin playing. While you can play earlier, you may have to wait for the game to continue installing!. Further, if you do quit the game mid-trial, be sure to actually exit the application (Xbox Home Button -> Menu Button -> Quit Game), to stop the timer! If you leave the game open while switching to another app like Watch TV, the timer may will continue in the background.

We hope that if you haven’t played Sunset Overdrive yet, you’ll take this opportunity to experience the first few hours of the game. And if you have played it, check out the awesome deals on the Season Pass (which includes two new story add-ons: the Mystery of the Moo-oil Rig and the Dawn of the Rise of the Fallen Machines) or tell your friends who haven’t played yet!

Thanks again for all of your support of Sunset Overdrive!

*Chaos Squad (Multiplayer) does require a gold subscription.

Tommy McClain
If I had played the game as a demo for a few hours, I would not had bought it. But I'm an outlier, something about this game doesn't click despite my love for open world and R&C games.
Damn. I want both this and the new Tomb Raider, but I got a few games over the holiday that I still haven't opened.