Sunset Overdrive: From Insomniac Games [XO]

What traps do you have?

Blades, Spring, fire and ice I think. They don't seem to slow down the OD much.

Do you have the freeze weapon, or the acid one? Or the Captain Ahab gun? All good for crowd control.

I have acid spray and freeze gun but run out of ammo pretty quickly.

I totally forgot about Ahab. That produces a pool of juice which attracts OD doesn't it?

I think I used the machine gun trap and the blade traps to do that one.

Ah, I don't have a machine gun trap and I don't think there is anywhere to buy it yet. I need to do more story missions perhaps?
Blades, Spring, fire and ice I think. They don't seem to slow down the OD much.

I have acid spray and freeze gun but run out of ammo pretty quickly.

I totally forgot about Ahab. That produces a pool of juice which attracts OD doesn't it?

Ah, I don't have a machine gun trap and I don't think there is anywhere to buy it yet. I need to do more story missions perhaps?

Have you been doing all of the side missions? It may have been a reward for one of those. It's pretty good.

Overall, the crowd control stuff is your best bet. Freeze traps, freeze gun paired with some explosive gun or another gun with high damage against OD.

Don't forget to get close and pick up the health and ammo drops. If you stay too far away, you won't be in a range to pick it all up.
Not as close to the end as I thought. There are a ton of side quests near the end of the game. I'm also doing challenges to unlock extra crap. So far, I haven't gotten tired of it playing a couple hours a day since it came out.
Finished it. Overall, very solid game. A lot longer than I thought it would be, doing all of the side quests. A sequel could be a really stellar game. As first entries go, this is a good one.
Finished it. Overall, very solid game. A lot longer than I thought it would be, doing all of the side quests. A sequel could be a really stellar game. As first entries go, this is a good one.
Get your ass back to raiding in Destiny, Scott. My characters are almost ready.
Started playing this over the weekend - so far I'm enjoying it, but not quite gelled into the constant movement and shooting, still find myself tending to start shooting from the ground and dying frequently. As for the feel of the game, this reminds me a lot of Dead Rising 3, combining the main storyline aspects (missions, side missions, combo weapons) with the fast pace of the "arcade" DLC.
Finished the last DLC. Definitely happy with this game and the added content. They did a really good job. One of the more entertaining games released for current gen. Hopefully it did well enough that there will be a multi-platform sequel. If it goes on sale again, you should get it if you don't have it.
Finally have time to play this game.
The first half hour or so:

Game is fun, the jokes are good
Action is crazy
Weapons nice
Upgrading seems to be cool

And quite astounding:

Although I was sceptical about the style at first, the graphics are top notch imo. It looks really great!! Great graphics!

I need to learn the grinding/bouncing a bit better to make all a bit more fluid.

Can't wait to play more :)

Nice job Insomniac.
I bought it today. Played about an hour. I like the humor and art style. The enemy design seems a bit lazy. The graphics are good, but mostly due to art. The tech is just OK, fuzzy sub-1080 mixed with hit and miss AA which leads to lots of shimmering and edges from small thing objects. The traversal is good, but the weapons are the star. I hope the story is a interesting.

The male lead sounds too much like Nathan Drake.
I bought it today. Played about an hour. I like the humor and art style. The enemy design seems a bit lazy. The graphics are good, but mostly due to art. The tech is just OK, fuzzy sub-1080 mixed with hit and miss AA which leads to lots of shimmering and edges from small thing objects. The traversal is good, but the weapons are the star. I hope the story is a interesting.

The male lead sounds too much like Nathan Drake.
I found he female lead funnier. You can swap sexes anytime you can change your outfit so try them both out.
Heh, my only other advice is o actually spend some serious time dressing your character up as absurdly but cool as possible. It just fits the game.
I love the game! It is really funny.

It is basically like a funny Infamous.

I just hope thst the story picks up a bit.

Saving now for the helicopter gun...but the teddies are my favorite...and the revolver!

My char wears the superhero dress...
I'm trying to determining purpose in the gameplay but it's hard. It looks as though the player are just moving around randomly shooting endlessly spawning mutants. Are they trying to clear an area, collect things or get from A to B? :???:

So far that is what it has been, its hard to pick the main story missions from the side ones. They do not really spend much time telling any sort of story (yet). The game does not play much like Infamous IMO. It is more like R&C mixed with Borderlands. In Infamous you have most if not all of your powers available and mapped to various parts of the controller and you weave them together in combat. SO is a weapon wheel, so you are shooting just one gun and ammo at a time. I tend to favor one gun and only switch when I run out.