Journey, new game from thatgamecompany (flOw, Flower)

I'm keeping my expectation and background info low for this game. It's the best way to play it, just like flOw and Flowers. ^_^

baaaaaaaaaa, how lame...will I resist joining damn psn plus again?!?! they already tricked me with the KZ3 journey?!


I am weak, I am weak...must quote famous gaming heros to absorb their powers and resist Sony's new smart business plan :

"There can only be chaos"
- Kratos

" It's a me, Mario"
- err, Mario

" ..."
- Masterchief aka the silent hero

" The Council can kiss my ass!"
- Commander Shepard
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baaaaaaaaaa, how lame...will I resist joining damn psn plus again?!?! they already tricked me with the KZ3 journey?!

I've never regretted having the sub - last month we got Resident Evil Directors Cut, then last week they added 2 & 3 - PS+ just gets better & better! :)
Yeap, PS+ seems fine now. I do check once in a while for the freebies. The betas are more distraction for me from my regular games.

I hope they add Vita specific features soon, like cloud sync. More PSP and Vita game discounts will be welcomed too. Bundles for PS3 + Vita games (a la MLB 2012, MotorStorm RC) should be automatic. 8^P

Also, please fix multiple PS3 cloud sync.

And perhaps also bundle deal for SEN services.
I played a few levels. Don't want to spoil the game. Will talk next week when everyone else has the game.

Best sand yet. Noticeably and tangibly better than Uncharted 3 sand and KZ3 snow.

Game is poetic. Eh... like a bastard child of Demon's Souls and Ico/SotC.
Did you try replaying the game ?

Some of the levels look like there are hidden areas. At one point, the other player and I made our way up higher and higher pillars. But I fell and didn't pursue that path.
Maybe tomorrow. Will probably disconnect from the net so I can look around uninterrupted then. Don't get me wrong, this was one of the best, if not the best, co-op experiences I've ever had in gaming, but however slight it may be, co-op simply adds a certain layer of pressure.

Judging by the trophy list (a measily two of which I managed to collect on my first journey) it appears there are in fact quite a few secrets to uncover.
Hmph, I think you'll need another party's help to venture higher.
Some places are too high for one person to get to unless your scarf is super long. Two players help to recharge scarf on-the-fly when they stay close to each other.
Truly a beautiful game!
Played it through yesterday with some online companions. I thought I was playing with one and same companion all the time, but in the end where it revealed the identities, there were at least five different persons I had played with.
It's fun that you can sort of communicate with the sonar thingy :)
A short game, but one that I'll want to play through again as there does seem to be some secrets to uncover. I only got one trophy form 1st playthrough.
That was my first impression because the controls are based on Flower. I think Flower has better camera since we can basically turn in any direction and run freely on the field. Journey's camera is more finicky in tight spots.

Other than that, the game opens up immediate. Then Ico. SotC, Demon's Souls vibes rolled in. ^_^