Journey, new game from thatgamecompany (flOw, Flower)

I got the beta invitation, the game crashed a couple of times, stopped playing and deleted it.
Not that the game was bad, not at all, it's beautiful and being beta the crashes are excusable (and apparently fixed with a patch already), but I just rather save the experience for finished game.
Can't wait until it's properly released!
Hmm... I think they released a patch to fix the crashes.

In any case, I would have done the same. Heard the silent partner gameplay works really well. Wondering if you can meet/co-op with more than one player at the same time.
Journey and PSN Indie Developers Take Center Stage at Comic-Con Panel:

Kellee Santiago wrote the blog:

The panel at Comic Con was hosted by independent developer, Nathan Vella of Capybara Games, and featured other indie PSN developers Mike Burns, President of Fuel Entertainment (Sideway), Ulf Anderson, Overkill Software & Co-Creator of Payday, and Vander Caballero, Creative Director of Minority, Inc. (Papo & Yo). I felt like I learned just as much as the audience after our discussion regarding how we each got into game development, and where the inspiration for our games came from. We also got to show some old concept paintings Jenova did years ago before even flOw had begun development, evoking the themes and ideas that would eventually become “Journey.”

(Video inside)
A Musical Journey:

Probably the most frequently recurring difficulty in discussing my work on Journey is the fact that the game is called Journey! That concept of a metamorphosis, or emotional arc, is at the core of everything in this game, including its score. You can imagine, with a title this succinct, that the puns are both unintentional and constant! The video you see here will give you a taste of what we’ve been up to and the joy that it’s been to create.

ThatGameCompany talks about Journey and their future...

Interview: thatgamecompany - Journey


PS: What’s next for thatgamecompany? Since it’s just come out, would you consider working with PS Vita?

JC: Thatgamecompany had a three game contract with Sony, so the past three games had to be Sony exclusive. Right now we are very much exploring ways to bring our games to a bigger audience, beyond just PlayStation. We are still in the process of negotiating, but I hope that we can announce it [soon]. But right now it’s still in the process.

PS: Finally, what do you feel are the essential elements to a journey? What makes it important?

JC: I think it’s learning. It’s learning about yourself. Self-reflection.
Out soon (next) week) and its getting good reviews.!! Just read a 9/10 on Eurogamer (can't) post a link because Vita doesn't copy pasfe yet .N
Insta buy...finally a console game I can buy again!!
Not much out there recently...

does someone know when it is released?
want it now!!