
Wow, I had no idea and saw this on PSN and , guess what, its free for me :D ! Gonna download it right now ! Reliving it in 1080p and 60fps should be great, its been a long time since i played it.
Yeah, also downloaded it yesterday, but haven't tried it yet.
all the sparkling effects on the sands has been tone down significantly, not sure if I like that, anyone knows why?
I dunno, I haven't downloaded this one yet, but maybe the sparkle<TM> is still there, but the higher DPI of 1080P rez makes them smaller and harder to see?
I dunno, I haven't downloaded this one yet, but maybe the sparkle<TM> is still there, but the higher DPI of 1080P rez makes them smaller and harder to see?
mm... yeah, wondered about that (shader aliasing).

The Eurogamer comparison does seem to be showing a slight gamma difference in general tho. Maybe the lighting pipe changed.
This is one of those games that I was gutted about missing last-gen, so I'm chuffed to be able to play it now in full-HD and 60fps. In fact I've just set it up to download now ready for when I get home. :smile:
Oh dear, first impressions are that it's a bit dull. Much like Flower for me. It seems to think it's smarter than it actually is.

I'll play and finish it then delete it afterwards. Meh.

It seems to think it's smarter than it actually is.
It's a bit pretentious, sure, but I for one found it fascinating way back in the day when it launched - when was that, really, 2011? I can't even remember anymore.

Been playing it again now, and it was pretty fun. Like when the game was new, I found myself wishing that Flying Power would re-charge in a more convenient way inbetween the "gas stations" dotted here and there about the levels than having to rely on companions. It's great when you HAVE a companion, but when you're alone you're ground-bound more than anything else, and that feels a bit odd with a game with flying in it (just like with warlords of draenor, lol...)

I'm also a bit at a loss trying to figure out what the story being told in the end-of-level tapestry really means. I can make my own guesses and interpretations, but it would be nice to read an official re-telling, so that I know what is going on.

Also, who am I? Where did I come from and what am I doing there in all that sand? Who are my people now, and who were we way back when all these ruins were built? There could be entire sequels made to explain all this... A lost opportunity in my view, because the world of Journey is really fascinating in of itself, IMO.
Oh dear, first impressions are that it's a bit dull. Much like Flower for me. It seems to think it's smarter than it actually is.

I'll play and finish it then delete it afterwards. Meh.

This isn't about explosions and adrenaline is all I can say. Best gaming experience of my life, followed by Vault of Glass and LOU and others after that !
It will work for you if u feel the wonder and go with the flow instead of looking for a game/puzzle etc. Lovely stuff !
Are you playing the game online?
Yep, playing online. The first person I met was rushing around solving puzzles while I was stood around wondering WTF was going on. Then the bridge was built and I could continue to the next area.

I seem to spend my time making my scarf longer and progressing to new areas. I saved the magic carpet things from a machine that did.... I don't know but it must have been bad.

The sand physics are nice.