
So you mean more, 'if I watch this on YouTube, might I ruin the experience if I then play it'?
can you elaborate more what experience in journey?

from trailers i though its just like thomas was alone (side scrolling, enjoying the view with some story element)
It's an exploration. It's encountering the unknown and having an experience. There's also the possible online interaction with a silent ally.
No, I won't elaborate. Its not as pricey as other games, just buy it when u can and play it. The more you know, the less special it will feel.

Why are you so worried :) ?
just checked PSN and they have journey demo :D
i guess ill try the demo first.

its about the cost and time. but i tend to more about time problem. im trying to stop my bad habbit of buying game and then just left it there, and only able to complete it months later on long holiday.

so if i want to know it have the "pull" for me keep playing or not.

but i guess its solved now because it have demo :D
They said like months ago now that PS4 version would come out "later this year", but it doesn't bloody look that way now with 2014 almost over... :(
Right, I at least expected a firm date by now along with a teaser or something. It shouldn't be that hard to port it over.
Actually it might be a fair bit of work, considering the sand rendering, which ran on the Cell processor... That stuff likely doesn't port over particularly cleanly, and considering Journey is a couple years old by now I wouldn't expect huge resources to be dedicated to the job. That said, they could have done a better job communicating their progress, and/or expected release schedule.

Hopefully it won't be far into '15 though...
Well it's March 1st and still no word on the PS4 version, I'm getting close to the point of just writing this one off.

Btw, we haven't heard anything from That Game Company on their new game either, I know there was some turnover at the top of the studio but that's been a while now. I believe Genova Chen had talked about making a shooter next so I'm curious to see what's up. Maybe this will be a surprise E3 reveal? GDC would be nicer though. :).
Well it's March 1st and still no word on the PS4 version, I'm getting close to the point of just writing this one off.
We're entering that calendar zone when Microsoft and Sony will be considering saving some game (or release) announcements for E3. If either company has too many to squeeze into their press event (easier for Sony with their 2-3 events) they'll trickle out the less interesting stuff.
What could be the point of saving Journey for E3 though? The game is already several years old by now.

Just release it already for frig's sake.
...And the concrete value of that would be...what? You'd be delaying an already old game for another quarter year for no reason but a pointless PR stunt.
...And the concrete value of that would be...what? You'd be delaying an already old game for another quarter year for no reason but a pointless PR stunt.
How you objectively weight PR? The sole purpose of holding press events like those at E3, GamesCom and TGS, is for the consolidated of news and the immediacy of news becoming buzz. There is are no announcements that couldn't be done with a standard press release but how boring would that be.

My only hope is that Sony keep their press event under 90 minutes this year and that, for once, they would start on time. Obviously, not gonna happen.
Well GDC is this week, that would also be a good time to release if you are just going to give it away to PS+ members.
Well GDC is this week, that would also be a good time to release if you are just going to give it away to PS+ members.
I know GDC gets a lot more coverage these days but it's still a a developer conference. There is no press event.
Lol, yeah I noticed that the other day. I remembered after forgetting at least 2-3 times post-E3 that E3 came and went without as much as a peep about Journey, and wondered if anything had changed on that front. I did a google search, and first result was a Polygon news blurb posted only hours earlier. It felt kinda serendipitous, that moment. :D

Anyway, cool news. Wait almost over now!