Journey, new game from thatgamecompany (flOw, Flower)

That was my first impression because the controls are based on Flower. I think Flower has better camera since we can basically turn in any direction and run freely on the field. Journey's camera is more finicky in tight spots.

Other than that, the game opens up immediate. Then Ico. SotC, Demon's Souls vibes rolled in. ^_^

yeah I got the Ico/SotC vibes too...
Yeah be careful of high expectation. Just play the game as is. The Ico/SotC vibes are very faint but you can sense them in the thin air. ^_^
Bought and downloaded, but not yet played. Trine 2 downloaded as well (almost had to, what it being free ... )
Hmph, I think you'll need another party's help to venture higher.
Some places are too high for one person to get to unless your scarf is super long. Two players help to recharge scarf on-the-fly when they stay close to each other.

Not true. You can actually reach just about anything with almost no scarf at all.
Really ? How ?!

I don't think singing will recharge my own scarf ? I couldn't fly to a tall pillar without a long enough scarf
You can usually use the upward momentum you gain from singing when the little fluttering scarf thingies are around to reach higher places (much higher places as a matter of fact). I can only think of a single scarf item that might be problematic to get, but I have a feeling you can reach that one as well with a bit of practice and dexterity.

I collected all of them by the way, and most of the missing ones via chapter select no less. Chapter select dumps you straight into the game with only the 3 scarfs you collected in the starting area, so it's absolutely possible.
I encountered a bug last night while playing the level where you
first meet those small helpful flying "dogs".
As I'd competed the level reaching the high tower, then one of those dogs carries you to the next level which is the downhill slalom.
You usually get the "saving" transitioning screen before the slalom level, but now the flying dog got me abroad and started flying towards the horizon what I think is the beginning of the next level. When it reached the top of the "slalom course" the creature dived under sand with me on it's back only my scarf visible above sand
and we were stuck going in a circle. Had to end the game with the PS button. At first i thought I'd discovered a new secret, but obviously it was just a bug. It all seemed so "un bug like" until we got stuck, even the music was playing like it was designed for that event :)
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That was quite beautiful.

I played until finished in one go. I only met one player, but we stayed together until the end.

I kinda wish you could help the other player by distracting those flying things when they are about to attack him/her using the singing to draw attention to yourself.
But perhaps that wasn't the developers intention.

Edit 2: Added spoiler tags just in case.
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That was quite beautiful.

I played until finished in one go. I only met one player, but we stayed together until the end.

I kinda wish you could help the other player by distracting those flying things when they are about to attack him/her using the singing to draw attention to yourself. But perhaps that wasn't the developers intention

Yeah... I think it would make the experience more engaging if we can do more with the same one-button trick. ^_^

I can't bear to finish the game in one sitting. I broke off at the 5th level. Hope to ease back in over the weekend. Don't want it to end so quickly.
Yeah... I think it would make the experience more engaging if we can do more with the same one-button trick. ^_^

I can't bear to finish the game in one sitting. I broke off at the 5th level. Hope to ease back in over the weekend. Don't want it to end so quickly.

I wanted to finish in one sitting, and see all of it with the same player. I was glad the other player stayed from start to finish. Even though we got separated each exploring on our own sometimes, we would always wait for each other before moving to the next area, or stay close when it suited the situation.

Also, if you could follow me up on the spoiler tags in my quoted post. I don't want to accidentally spoil anything for anyone. :oops:
I'm really enjoying this game! I also finished it in a single sitting (with the same anonymous player - for the most part). I've since played through it a couple of times and still really enjoyed the feeling of isolation and connection when you encounter another player. I can't wait to see what this developer has planned for the future :)
I think I encountered another bug.
The water temple where you should find the flOw creature at the bottom after you've flooded the area completely, it wasn't there when I searched for it, even though I had flooded the area. I'm not sure though should it be there after you've illuminated the stone at the end and stepped on the light circle. I searched for it after I'd did all that.
What a work of Art! Played through in one sitting, also various people met. Only one trophy so I guess I missed a lot ;)
I played through it again. This time solo. It's not as good as with another player, but it gave me a chance to truly explore everything. I found everything there is to find.
I got the white robe.

I'll probably play through it again sometimes, show it to some friends.
I thought I was going to love this game but so far after 3 chapters I am feeling underwhelmed as there just does not seem to be a lot of game here.

The sand skiing level was particularly annoying since you have no way of knowing where things will be or what you should be doing until it is too late. I quickly ran out of scarf charge and then had no chance of getting any of the powerups on that level. It wasn't even clear whether the intent was to take the hoop routes, the jump routes or what have you. Felt like I missed most of the level due to no part of my own.

I also keep looking for lines (a la Flower) but they just don't seem to be there. The game seems like it wants you to explore but it punishes you by making you slog through the sand endlessly as scarf recharges can be rare.

I absolutely adored SotC but here the game play approach seems at odds with the graphic design (a platformer that semi-punishes you for exploring).

Have I just not played long enough or is it better when done couch co-op style?

If you play co-op, being near the other player recharges your scarf, giving you a lot more freedom to move around.

Also if you
collect all of the scarf upgrades, you'll be awarded with a white robe that recharges itself every time you touch the ground.

There is nothing you truly have to do in that sand skiing level, everything is optional. Even if you miss out on some scarf upgrades, they are never crucial to do anything. The game can easily be completed without any scarf upgrades. All it does is give you more freedom to move around.
I played through twice.

My second playthrough I ran in to someone with a white robe who basically just walked me through everything in the game. I'm rather glad I didn't run in to that on my first playthrough.

Either way, I really enjoyed this. I'll probably go through again to get the last scarf piece that I missed after I finish ME3.
I thought I was going to love this game but so far after 3 chapters I am feeling underwhelmed as there just does not seem to be a lot of game here.

There isn't a lot of game here. This is much more of an interactive story than it is a game, persay. There are a few game elements and you have control of the character, but it was clear to me that the developers were more interested in how the levels were supposed to feel than in there being any particular challange in the execution.

In terms of the difficulty in traversing the open desert, I believe that this was an intentional choice by the developers. I was under the impression that making you feel lost and useless was an intentional part of the story arc. In game terms, it's bad design, but as a story, it makes a lot of sense.