Halo 3 Beta: May 16th - June 7th

Download the blim-blim 720p snow level vids..better yet stream them to your HDTV via 360..it's fricken beautiful! Maybe the best looking game yet!

Best thing I like about it is it has this eerie majesticness to it..campaign wil, be amazing! IMO Halo 2 was disappointing compared to Halo 1, this level has my hopes high Bungie has got the touch back!

yea streamed to the HDTV via X360 is heavenly :smile:

agreed the scale and smoothness of the patented (New and Improved!) Halo game play is sweet.

Also have read that in custom games (at least in full game) player speed and gravity will be adjustable via menu options :cool:

more impressions
Dual weapons are pretty potent. Two spiker rifles raining down upon you is terrifying. I think at this point people are still really experimenting, but I've taken out guys with spiker rifles, SMGs and plasma rifles at this point. All three are excellent close range weapons.

One detail I've noticed - in the GUI, nothing just appears on the screen. For example, players have call signs above their heads. When you target them, the text stretches out and the gamer tag is added - it doesn't just appear. When you pick up a piece of equipment, the icon moves from your feet where it was over to the HUD quickly and seamlessly, like it's being added - it doesn't just pop in there. The booting screen when you start up fades into view quickly. It all adds up to a smoother experience - everything flows together nicely. It's so polished.
cool little GIF

slow mo
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Hate to say it, but the first thing I saw wrong was in the first video that Blim posted. NO AF!! It was so blatent as he walked across the bridge.

I love the gun turret. :devilish: The sound effect for the AR is just... not great. Sounds weird.
Hate to say it, but the first thing I saw wrong was in the first video that Blim posted. NO AF!! It was so blatent as he walked across the bridge.

I love the gun turret. :devilish: The sound effect for the AR is just... not great. Sounds weird.

ok let's play the beta together next week and you check out the AF while I'm nading you shooting you and catapulting over your wall to steal your flag. ;):devilish::cool::p

Indeed. Water and waterfall were really standing out in the videos. Floating animation looks very nice as well, though some underwater bodies look to clean.

Overall game looks alright to me (except aliasing)
but I'm surprised so many people were expecting gfx better than Gears.

Now let's see the single player shots, and maybe some cutscenes.
report from an EGM editor


Been playing Halo 3
It's 3:00 am. I can't stop playing Halo 3. This is not a good sign, because I'm only playing a three-level beta right now. How on earth will I be able to handle the final game with all the modes and maps put in? Answer: I'm doomed.

So here are some random notes and thoughts about the game, in case you haven't read it elsewhere...in bullet form because my brain is way too wasted to write an essay right now.

# Graphics: Like we said before in our first Halo 3 cover story...looks good, but it's not that in-your-face "Oh my god Gears of War" great. But that's OK because: 1.) Halo has a different art style, and for Halo's art style, Halo 3 looks damn good. 2.) I'd rather have performance over looks, and Halo 3 runs smooth as butter. So far, no lag in our eight-player games (*knocks on wood*)

# Sound: Now, this is in-your-ears "Oh my god" great. When you get sniped, you hear the bullet exiting your wet, bloody, pulpy body. When your comrades are fighting in the distance, you can hear the faint echoes of gunfire. The guns sound (and feel) powerful. Special effects for stuff like the bubble shield sound all sci-fi cool. I've never been happier to have 5.1 surround sound!

# Guns: I'm really enjoying Halo 3's arsenal ever since it hit me that, I really didn't care what weapon I was holding -- they were all effective and fun. In the past Halos, I always looked for certain weapons (rocket launcher, shotgun, etc.), but here, everything was fine by me. Needler...dual-wielded combos of submachine guns or spiker guns...assault rifle...brute shot...I never felt like I needed to find replacements for whatever I was holding in my hands at the time. Granted, I've only been playing a day, so I may not understand all the balancing intricacies yet....

# Modes: Lots of cool new ones and nice updates to old ones. We've been playing whatever the matchmaking servers have been serving us, but ones of note:

VIP: One "VIP" is overshielded, but he's the only one whose death equals a point for the other team. So protect him...and go after the other team's VIP.

Territories: Slightly different now. If I'm not getting my mode names mixed up, this one had one team having to defend five markers. The other team has under three minutes to capture them all. Gets intense when time's running out, and only one or two markers are left.

Land Grab: Like the old Territories in Halo 2. (Again, it's 3 a.m....I might be getting the names mixed up. If you have any corrections, please share!) Except, once you capture a point (and it takes a looooong time to do so), it's yours for good. So the fights are not the back and forth of capturing and recapturing points to get to the time goal the quickest (by having more points captured than your enemies). It's to be the first team to capture the majority of the five points on the map. Very fun when it's tied 2-2 and everyone's going after the last one!

Is it me, or is the melee damage with the oddball or flag much greater than before? Now, you can one-hit kill anyone with a melee attack with either of those two things, and you don't even need to be behind him. If I'm not mistaken, it took at least a couple of hits in previous Halos.

(I'm too tired to research this properly right now.)

My only complaint: The modes need some quick instructions at the lobby screen, because we were all confused with what our objectives were at first. It took some trial and error to figure things out...especially for Territories. ("Why can't we capture this point? Oh...we're supposed to defend them...")

# Maps: I like a lot, but after a few hours of play, my group was voting down almost any match that was to take place on Valhalla, the big, Blood Gultch/Coagulation-style map (two bases, lots of land in between them). It just took too long to play, and objective games (like one-bomb assault) took even longer. But this is a personal preference thing. I know lots of people who loved those long Blood Gultch/Coagulation matches. Not me, though. Quick, intense action for me, please. But VIP on Valhalla was awesome. You can see where the VIP is from anywhere, so we'd have to send out "hunting parties" to take him down, and make decisions like whether to leave our VIP behind to fend for himself, or leave some body guards with him, or let him go out with us to kill the other VIP. Because of the extra real estate on Valhalla, VIP mode felt more intense, because you could be alone when the other hunting party finds you....

# Other random bits of gameplay info:

-You can pull guns off their turrets for mobile chain-gun action. Goes into third-person view, you can't reload, you have high recoil and slow moving speed, but...it's a chain gun. It's bad-ass.

-Needlers: also bad ass now. Can't dual-wield them, that's why. (Bungie nerfed Halo 2's Needlers because dual-wielded, they were unstoppable.)

-Brute Shots: 6 shots before reloading

-Active Camo: Now a giant, shimmering ball instead of that little blue pyramid pickup. No sigh of overshields anywhere (except in VIP mode, when the VIPs are automatically overshielded).

-Banshees have a torpedo attack.

-Warthogs and two-man Mongoose ATVs: L trigger = power slide.

-Plasma pistol: Keeping it charged will drain your ammo
, so you have to keep that thing quiet until it's time to attack. It also doesn't track as well now. This is in attempt to cut down on cheap moves, such as Halo 2's "noob combo." But it does serve as an EMP gun. Shoot it at a vehicle to disable it.

-Special "X button"
power pickups: Bubble Shield (instant shield), Track Mine (proximity mine), Personal Grav Lift (put a lift anywhere you want to reach higher altitudes), Energy Drainer (continually hurts everyone within a small radius). One time, I dropped a Bubble Shield right when I turned around the corner and someone launched a rocket at me. Just in time -- the rocket exploded harmlessly against the transparent shield instead of harmfully against my face. Thanks Bubble Shield! You saved my life, and we both looked damn cool while you did it!

OK, that's it for now. I'll proofread this later...if I can pull myself away from the game....
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little blurb on how the saved videos work (at least in the beta)

Saved videos:

You have to have Halo 3 loaded to see the vids. No one sends you a video. Each player has 6 slots that he can upload a video too. After you save a film, go to your service record and select file share. There you can select which of your saved films to upload. (to Bungie's servers)

After that, anyone who looks at your service record can see your shared videos (again, only can be done from H3 beta). Select the video you want to grab from someone else's file share, and grab it. Each video is roughly 4 MB, so it's real quick to upload and download.
frickin cool :cool:

oh and Blims FULL version 720p of the 1st vid from yesterday
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one other thing (as I'm reading) that I am reminded of wrt Halo is how Bungie uses their servers to track EVERYTHING in every online game played.

They track every stat (and map it) on Bungie's website for you to call up and survey and share online. Also their servers are the ones that do all the matchmaking and party grouping (moving groups of players from game to game) and balancing the matches based on preferences.

Also they can look at any match and tell exactly what strategy and weapons each player used and how that impacted the game and if/when something needs to be tweaked for balance or fun factor (or find/stop cheating).
The lighting in the gif looks great! :cool:


Absolutely love the detail on the shotgun and gloves. :love: Is it me or do the dev walkthrough's look better :?: Especially when he picks up the chaingun, it's like they borrowed the Gears of War animations (great view of the lighting on the armour -> not overly glossy, looks like painted metal). :p
The lighting in the gif looks great!
Perusing this thread, I don't see why anyone's impressed with the lighting in this Beta version - it's definitely weak. Simple shadowing (fade vehicle darker when in shadow), no HDR, and lots of lightmap use. There's a little dynamic lighting which is nothing special these days, and the visuals are neither show technical accomplishment or great artistic achievement using simple techniques to create a convincing lighting solution. Halo's all about the gameplay, and from the sounds of it (from people's description, rather than first-hand impressions!) the audio is excellent too. But if we're to be honest in our critiques, the visuals aren't anything special. And after the fantastic looking trailer...


...I'm surprised people aren't more critical as they have been with other games that have shown major differences from trailers. At least say 'the lighting isn't great but it may well improve by final release' rather than 'the lighting's fantastic!' ;)
I agree with Shifty on this one... the lighting in the BETA looks good but not amazing but that is to be expected as it is still BETA. The BETA's purpose is to make sure the netcode and weapons balance of the MP game is the best it can be (it appears there will be no dedicated servers). The single player is where I believe the gfx will match the nice E3 trailer we saw and that is perfectly fine for me.
This beta clearly does have HDR lighting, but apparently the glare/bloom effect has been toned down for multiplayer.
The trailer was the equivalent of Halo 2's in-engine cut scenes, so I wouldn't expect the game to look like that (some of the effects like DOF you actually wouldn't want most of the time).

I love Halo's art style - always have. For my money this looks a lot better than Gears, and even the recent Half Life 2 stuff - which I also really, really like.

What looked to be a lack of trilinear filtering on the raised walkway was kind of grating, but that aside this looks "swell".
This beta clearly does have HDR lighting, but apparently the glare/bloom effect has been toned down for multiplayer.
HDR isn't about bloom. It's about proper lighting no matter the environment. When outside in the sun, we see correct exposure. The moment the player moves into the shade of the interior parts, brightness ought to scale upwards to match the human (or camera) iris opening to let in more light. In this beta, the brightness is fixed rendering indoor areas just plain dark.

We have in the technical forum a thread on Halo 3's supposed GI solution, and it's a shame we haven't seen anything of the sort yet. At the moment the graphics engine is definitely last-gen tech.