Halo 3 Beta: May 16th - June 7th

Some of the things, like the lighting, water, and the sense of scale and atmosphere look pretty good. World texture and geometry detail is so-so, and Master Chief still looks pretty lame compared to, say, any UE3 character from Epic.

I dunno, the game may become a big hit with this level of graphics too, but it'd be nice to have something better. We'll see, they really should release something from the single player at least at E3...
I got a beta invite, downloading now. Ask any questions both graphically and gameplay and I'll answer them once its downloaded and I got my hands dirty with it.
We'll see, they really should release something from the single player at least at E3...

This E3 will be interesting to watch.

I think Wii will show incredible support.

MS will hold Halo3 close to the vest IMO and may show it behind closed doors (NDA) and likely get a feel for what Sony has cooking before they show their full hand.

Sony will likely come out swinging with Drake, LBP, MGS4, R&C, Warhawk etc. They may show SOCOM but I think they will hold KZ2 close to the vest also unless they feel confident that it will show favorably next to Halo3.
Does this mean people with Crackdown can start playing now, or do I have to wait until Wednesday?

Wesenday. People who were selected got a redeem code to enter. Im just going to post details just incase you're wondernig.

You may have heard rumors, tales whispered in dark corners of mysterious taverns. Bearded men speak in icy tones of a legend. A secret level of Public Beta, called ‘Friends and Family.” Aye, such a thing exists. It is the same beta, sent out a few days earlier, to Bungie Friends and Family. We never revealed how you became a friend or a family member, and nor will we. Some of ye already know who you are and how you’ll be getting your invite. Others, in for a rare treat.

A selection of Bungie.net members – regulars all - has been picked using a semi-random process devised by our own Roger Wolfson and Tom “Achronos” Gioconda. Those lucky winners have already been picked and collated. Next week, on the evening of the 11th of May, they will receive a Friends and Family code, delivered to one place and one place only. Their PM mailbox right here on Bungie.net. Spread the word – a small percentage, but still a significant number of Bnet loyalists, are getting the Golden Ticket delivered straight to their Bnet PM mailbox.

For those of you who “win,” congratulations. And for those who find that PM Mailbox empty on the 11th, our commiserations. NOTE: These winners have been picked; the ONLY way to find out is by checking that PM mailbox here on Bnet on the 11th. Do NOT ask us if you’ve won or not. We can’t tell you. Do NOT try to create a new account – it’s already too late. Do NOT spam the forums. The matter is settled.

For everyone else, the same avenues for the normal Public Beta still exist – for most of you, that means playing via specially marked versions of Crackdown (still available in stores) and a few others won contests from their regional Xbox organization.
But it’s all so much. If only I had help.
I got a beta invite, downloading now. Ask any questions both graphically and gameplay and I'll answer them once its downloaded and I got my hands dirty with it.

get us some off screen pics please! :smile:

blim expects to have 720 video in about 40 minutes on Xboxyde
You're first presented with a dark screen, at the bottom right screen it shows "loading. Halo 3 beta. Love from Bungie". Press start will lead you to your 'Headquaters', here you can see 'My Service Record', 'My File Share' and 'Active Transfers'. You can switch the Settings from here and design your character, settings etc.

Alright. Lunging has been toned down ALOT. Autoaim has also been toned down loads. Plasma pistol homing has been pretty toned down 90%. When you've got a game confirmed, it'll suggest a map and a game type. At this point, if enough players press X, it will 'veto it' allowing another map and game type to be generated. Pressing up makes team chat, and has a new funky noise in your headset.

There is a some boune to grenades, but not much compared to H2. Cant answer any of the other questions as I haven't really tried them yet. Did kill myself on my own mine though. Assault Rifle is awesome, but as Bungie designed it to be, needs use of melee and grenades to take true advantage of it.

At the end of a game, it shows a opition which submits yourself to a party. Anyone who presses X gets put together into a party at the end of a game. People who have pressed X are shown as a tick next to their name. Awesome.

Edit: Just used the needler, requires some aim but it is a beast.

Tried the spartan laser. You have to hold the trigger up to charge it. There is hardly any bounce of damage so your aim really has to be dead on. Tried the needler again, fires hella fast and as long as your aim is good you will own with it.

NEW: I just went onto someones profile on the guide, and at the top of it says "Halo 3 service record" and "Halo 3 File share". Its actually added shit to the guide thing, sheet!

Tried the carbon, IT IS BAD ASS. I think I may actually love it more than the BR, looks, feels and shoots like a dream.

Also, two people have added me and lots of "LOL HOW R U PLAYING IT" messages.
Anyone tuned into the Gamespot commentary streaming feed? They're taking questions as you watch, but I guess they won't answer repeats and the sort. :(
thanks for the impressions El Leone... keep em coming! :smile:

I like what I read here is well, as this is the kind of stuff that made me fall in love with Halo/Bungie (not to mention the greatest matchmaking system in history) ;)

Originally Posted by Y2Kev:

High Ground is a great map.

IMO I enjoyed those matches more than I ever did ANY game I played in Halo 2. This game feels and looks like Halo 1 with great new enhancements. It just feels so shiny and smooth. I WANT to keep playing whereas I was not a Halo 2 fan. I love the weapon interaction. It feels natural and normal that certain weapons build on others or are weak to other weapons. Needler still feels nerfed.

I LOVE the deploy item thing. Makes the game so much more strategic. Some of the things are REALLY useful. I was hiding behind a wall and I THOUGHT there was another guy on the other side, so I deployed a jet booster thing and was able to look over the wall and see him. I came down right behind him and meleed him to death.

The sound is unbelievable. I have no idea how bungie did it. My biggest problem with Halo 2 was that the SMG sounded nerfed. In this game, when you fire a weapon, you ****ING FEEL IT. It's AMAZING. The gunplay is SO SATISFYING. It sounds ridiculous. Just ridiculous. I can't describe it. The shield bubble sounds amazing and perfect. There was this shrill MEEURRROOOWWWWW sound getting louder and louder in the back of my room and all of a sudden I realized OMG MISSILE. It was so amazing. I can't rave enough. I just can't.

Are the graphics the best out there? I won't answer that. I will say the game runs great, is clean, and the effects are stunning. The explosions, water, lighting, etc., is all extremely nice. I love the Power Drainer and such. The graphics, sound, and rumble all contribute to the most amazing grenade explosions I think I've ever had the pleasure of being exploded within.

This game is going to be an absolute monster. The multiplayer is perfect.

I can't think of anything that could improve it. The third person on the minigun feels a tiny bit janky. That's it. It's the only thing I can complain about.
Download the blim-blim 720p snow level vids..better yet stream them to your HDTV via 360..it's fricken beautiful! Maybe the best looking game yet!

Best thing I like about it is it has this eerie majesticness to it..campaign wil, be amazing! IMO Halo 2 was disappointing compared to Halo 1, this level has my hopes high Bungie has got the touch back!