Halo 3 Beta: May 16th - June 7th

I think he saying that the actual still from the trailer has been cleaned up with AA which was not present in the trailer.
Actually, that specific image is using at least 4xaa.

Not sure what Target H3 is aiming for but I have my doubts they will hit 4xaa, 720p, solid 30fps, advanced shaders, HDR, 3 mile draw, etc.

I can understand why nAo is skeptical.

Saying the final game will not hit the level is one thing, saying it's not realtime, which is in direct opposition to statements made by bungie, and gamespots eye witness reports are another thing completely.

Pugger - The stills were captured from the trailer by TXB, they are not official bungie screenshots AFAIK

I already explained that to you, the trailer WAS realtime, that particular image, coming from the trailer sequence, is not, as it has being rendered with far more than 4 samples per pixel.
If really don't know how to make it more clear than that!

OK I understand what you're saying, I thought these images were direct grabs from the trailer, but they are actually official bungie PR screens, bullshot confirmed, sorry nAo :oops:
If it was captured from a real time trailer and is untouched nAo is wrong, however I'm not sure thats a capture. Besides Bungie have already said that the technical levels of the trailer have been exceeded by a country mile, so to be perfectly honest I don't really care if the image has excessive AA, fact is its going to look very similar to that. The technicalities regading screens can become tiresome, especially as nearly all developers do the same thing.
(munch munch on the popcorn)... Well that was mildly entertaining... :smile:

So now i'm an xbox gamer again, does anyone know if the flood is going to make an appearance in Halo 3?

(I hope not... :mad: )
well I'm going out on a limb here ;) to guess that with a year and a half on actual Xenos/Xenon hardware now that no matter what screen shot critics may say, Bungie is going to release MS's generational FLAGSHIP title as a technically amazing game (graphics too) with HDR and AA even. :LOL:

I already explained that to you, the trailer WAS realtime, that particular image, coming from the trailer sequence, is not, as it has being rendered with far more than 4 samples per pixel.
If really don't know how to make it more clear than that!

True nAo, but you must admit the models and textures and clear draw distance look amazing. Yea and we all know that all of you Devs release AA touched up screen shots. :smile:

back ON topic

Some screenshots from a Gamefest 2006 presentation "HDR the Bungie Way" made their way onto the web today:



Looks like they just imported the Zanzibar map from Halo 2 for this demo. I like what I see though. :p

yep the Lighting looks amazing
Yea and we all know that all of you Devs release AA touched up screen shots. :smile:
It isn't a matter of touching anything up, it is a matter of rendering with a number of samples that the hardware simply can't do in real time.
That's a little more than a simple supersample at that.
Just supersampling (dunno the exact resolution as that pic was taken before I joined NT), the rest is being done by DOF and blur but it's quite easy to spot aliasing here or there.. the big particle effects are also hiding a lot of stuff.
Just to make it more clear, in our engine there's not any feature coded to grab so called "bullshots" :)
I guess I should have just said bullshots instead of touched up. :smile:

Bungie (Frankie) said they do not output "bullshots" though either. Just that they way they grab the screens this is how they come out. (not sure of the technicalities)

I still don't think those shots are going to be too far off from what we will see in Halo3 when we get it home on our HDTVs. At least in motion. Sure if you stop and analyze every scene and you will be able to point out flaws, but as nAo mentioned with DoF, blur and particle effects and 2-4xAA this should look pretty damned smooth (from an aliasing perspective) in motion as I have found most 360 games to look.
From what I know, Bungie takes (what they call) screenbuffer screenshots at extremely high resoutions like 12800x7200. There is a reason why all the official screens look so sharp and smooth, I don´t think it´s even necessary to add extra AA when they just downscale those to normal resolutions like 1280x720. In the Halo 2 era they did the same thing, and still called the Halo 2 screenshots "realtime". They were taken from something running in realtime so the content on the screen is the same, only the resolution is unplayable.
Actually, that specific image is using at least 4xaa.

Not sure what Target H3 is aiming for but I have my doubts they will hit 4xaa, 720p, solid 30fps, advanced shaders, HDR, 3 mile draw, etc.

I can understand why nAo is skeptical.

I see absolutely no reason they couldn't pull that off. This is the flagship 360 game from a very capable developer.
It seems to me Xenos was designed for just such a task.
Some more info in this week's update:


And a big What. The. Ffffff.......

You’ll also be pleased to hear that split-screen will be an option, although limited to two people in the Public Beta. We’ve also done something cool with the splitscreen display for HD monitors – instead of stretching the horizontal or vertical axes into big, scary too wide or too tall horrors, we’ve sensibly windowed the action, maintaining lots of screen real estate, but preserving a proper, playable aspect ratio.

Just when I thought that the vertical splitscreen was the most ridiculous thing they could ever do...

I assume that means that it's split by a vertical divide, then "letter-boxed" nearer to a 4:3 ratio so you effectively have two smaller 4:3 displays on one big screen. Would work fine imo on the larger HDTVs but might end up a little tiny on the smaller ones...

sounds okay to me, split screen is never ideal and while you will end up with a slightly more zoomed out picture you will at least be able to see a proper aspect ratio with decent vertical AND horizontal scope.