Formula 1 - 2014 Season

As great as it isn't to hear you go on and on about how you dislike Hamilton for, what, the 6th year running? I think you'll struggle to find anyone even remotely linked to the sport who thinks that it was Hamilton's fault. That includes the team they both race for, current F1 drivers and former F1 drivers. I think that at this point it is probably best that you just admit that you're incapable of having any sort of balanced opinion on anything to do with Hamilton and just stop commenting on any news related to him.

Or, to put it more simply, stop trolling this thread.

Had it been anyone but Hamilton & Rosberg, this whole fuss wouldn't even be happening right now.

Rosberg might have been stupid going there, but it still doesn't give the right to shut the door so the other driver has no choice but to hit or run out, no matter who's driving which car
Had it been anyone but Hamilton & Rosberg, this whole fuss wouldn't even be happening right now.

Rosberg might have been stupid going there, but it still doesn't give the right to shut the door so the other driver has no choice but to hit or run out, no matter who's driving which car

I think you've missed the point of what I was saying.
But pretty much everyone is saying that Rosberg made a bad error which led to the crash. Do you really think that Hamilton will let himself be passed when well ahead and on the correct line in the future, just because he knows Rosberg might do something stupid again? If so, he might as well not bother to go out and race.

Surely Rosberg is the one who now knows he has to be more careful in a similar situation as it was a bad error and only sheer chance that he benefited? You don't always get what you deserve, that's for sure.

My impression from watching most of the races have been a Rosberg that gave up his spots to easy and didn't apply enough pressure on Hamilton when he should. Apparently Rosberg felt he had been to "nice" or as i see to easy. I could also be argued he simply didn't want to risk anything early in the season..

And after all the shit that Hamilton has said about Rosberg i guess Rosberg had enough and just decided to put the pressure back on Hamilton. Hamilton is behind on points so he has the most to lose from early retirements making it even tougher for Hamilton when Rosberg takes the fight to him.

So the next time Rosberg pulls alongside Hamilton you can be very certain that Hamilton will remember Rosberg didn't back down the last time, which was my point and Rosbergs :)
Or to put it in a manner that pretty much everyone in the world (apart from you and Kaotik) agrees with, Hamilton is a much better racer than Rosberg.

Hamilton will not be thinking "this guy might take me off", he'll be thinking "This guy took me off" and stick a very aggressive maneuver on him that has Rosberg crying over the team radio..... again. But of course, Hamilton won't hit him as he is a much better driver.

He has the ability to put Rosberg in his place without actually being a chicken shizzle about it.
Or to put it in a manner that pretty much everyone in the world (apart from you and Kaotik) agrees with, Hamilton is a much better racer than Rosberg.

Show me one post where i call Rosberg a better racer than Rosberg.. PLEASE!

Hamilton will not be thinking "this guy might take me off", he'll be thinking "This guy took me off" and stick a very aggressive maneuver on him that has Rosberg crying over the team radio..... again. But of course, Hamilton won't hit him as he is a much better driver.

Hahaha, you really don't like Rosberg do you, the one crying through his tears (to use your style) begging to come into the pit was Hamilton, and he is lucky he didn't get a penalty for that one. And Hamilton has caused his fair share of crashes in his Career even though he is the "best evr! "

He has the ability to put Rosberg in his place without actually being a chicken shizzle about it.
Chicken shizzle?
Hamilton has every chance to take the championship but Rosberg is not going to make it easy for him, as he proved with a clenched fist in Belgium :)
Or to put it in a manner that pretty much everyone in the world (apart from you and Kaotik) agrees with, Hamilton is a much better racer than Rosberg. Hamilton will not be thinking "this guy might take me off", he'll be thinking "This guy took me off" and stick a very aggressive maneuver on him that has Rosberg crying over the team radio..... again. But of course, Hamilton won't hit him as he is a much better driver. He has the ability to put Rosberg in his place without actually being a chicken shizzle about it.

No. Not true. Ham is certainly not the faster driver...otherwise he should have poled every qualifying. Ham and Ros are about are most drivers out there. In this regard, Ham is nothing special, as is Ros, Vettel, Alonso, Button, Raikonen, Schumacher....their success is all driven by their cars, hence why drivers are mostly exchangeable (only in some rare events, where they pull out a great stunt). You have some bad drivers out R.Schumacher, Massa, Webber, Coulthard, ...

As for Ros VS Ham, it is obvious that the championship is not so easy for Ham this year...that is why he behaves like a little ego kid and tries every PR stunt he can and uses the very vocal english press to drag his fight outside the racing track. A behavior witnessed for most successful F1 drivers...egoistic assholes. And Ros couldn't hide this behavior for to long as well...
No. Not true. Ham is certainly not the faster driver...otherwise he should have poled every qualifying. Ham and Ros are about are most drivers out there. In this regard, Ham is nothing special, as is Ros, Vettel, Alonso, Button, Raikonen, Schumacher....their success is all driven by their cars, hence why drivers are mostly exchangeable (only in some rare events, where they pull out a great stunt). You have some bad drivers out R.Schumacher, Massa, Webber, Coulthard, ...

As for Ros VS Ham, it is obvious that the championship is not so easy for Ham this year...that is why he behaves like a little ego kid and tries every PR stunt he can and uses the very vocal english press to drag his fight outside the racing track. A behavior witnessed for most successful F1 drivers...egoistic assholes. And Ros couldn't hide this behavior for to long as well...

I disagree on Schumacher not being special, he was very special, he is one of those few drivers who was able to win in "slow" cars. And i think that Alonso also has a lot of raw talent.

Vettel on the other hand is really falling through this season and maybe showing his "real" speed.

Ros vs Ham, Rosberg is very quick that could be seen when he had Schumacher as his team mate and this season i think Hamilton has had to face reality in regards to his own speed. But i still consider Hamilton to be the fastest of those two, but maybe i will think otherwise at the end of this season :)
But of course, Hamilton won't hit him as he is a much better driver.
Hamilton has quite a lot of hits delivered to others for being much better driver, I would guess without actually checking he has much more of them than Rosberg despite the fact that Rosberg has more races under his belt ;)
You can't have the inside line if someone is next to you (even if just frontwing to rearwheel) and doesn't back down.
What? The next corner is a right-hander (last part of Les Combes). Hamilton was on the inside for that.
No. Not true. Ham is certainly not the faster driver...otherwise he should have poled every qualifying.

Well, to be fair, Rosberg screwed up Hamilton's chance for pole at Monaco (we'll have to assume it was an innocent mistake), his brakes failed in qualifying in Germany and his engine burst into flames at qualifying in Hungary! That's three races where achieving pole wasn't really in his hands!

Pretty much no doubt that Hamilton would be well clear of Rosberg in the Championship if it hadn't been for the three retirements and a host of mechanical problems at other times.

Of all of the drivers out there, I'd have to say Alonso strikes me as the absolute best as he rarely seems to make errors and has often achieved excellent finishes even when his car is much slower than his competitors. The Ferrari is so far off the pace this year that he hasn't really had a chance to show his abilities.
What? The next corner is a right-hander (last part of Les Combes). Hamilton was on the inside for that.

Obviously talking about the first lefthander part of the Les Combes, which is where the accident happened
Obviously talking about the first lefthander part of the Les Combes, which is where the accident happened
But that point wasn't what I was reacting to in what tkf said. Why join that discussion when you are talking about something different?
But that point wasn't what I was reacting to in what tkf said. Why join that discussion when you are talking about something different?

Huh? It looks like you were talking about the incident at Spa, in which case what I said holds and you were already jumping to next corner?
Huh? It looks like you were talking about the incident at Spa, in which case what I said holds and you were already jumping to next corner?
So you don't think having the inside line for the next corner is worth something? Hamilton should just get out of it because another car was almost along side?

I don't think you get racing.
So you don't think having the inside line for the next corner is worth something? Hamilton should just get out of it because another car was almost along side?

I don't think you get racing.

No, he doesn't get the fact that an accident can happen within half a lap of Hamilton's car and it not be Hamilton's fault.
No, he doesn't get the fact that an accident can happen within half a lap of Hamilton's car and it not be Hamilton's fault.

Don't be an ass, of course there can be accidents where Hamilton is involved and isn't his fault at all

So you don't think having the inside line for the next corner is worth something? Hamilton should just get out of it because another car was almost along side?

I don't think you get racing.

Hamilton could have left a bit room, avoid the crash and still be 1) in the lead even before the next corner and 2) have the inside on the next corner
Don't be an ass, of course there can be accidents where Hamilton is involved and isn't his fault at all

Hamilton could have left a bit room, avoid the crash and still be 1) in the lead even before the next corner and 2) have the inside on the next corner
He was in front.
It's amazing people are still trying to claim Hamilton is at fault when just about everyone else in the world (including Rosberg and the Mercedes team) knows it was Rosberg that deliberately caused the incident.

It's amazing people are still trying to claim Hamilton is at fault when just about everyone else in the world (including Rosberg and the Mercedes team) knows it was Rosberg that deliberately caused the incident.


What a loaded post...

people are still trying to claim Hamilton is at fault
The claim is/was that Lewis Hamilton could have avoided the accident if he had backed down.

everyone else in the world (including Rosberg and the Mercedes team) knows it was Rosberg that deliberately caused the incident
LOL! and that is very rare i actually use those.. so LOL again.
But hey, lets see a link to someone from Mercedes that backs you up, someone that isn't Hamilton.

What "everyone" can agree to is simple, Rosberg caused a Racing incident.