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    • Kaotik
      Kaotik replied to the thread RDNA4.
      It means the performance per clock, usually measured on single core but not necessarily. So chip/core A at X GHz vs chip/core Y at X...
    • Kaotik
      Kaotik replied to the thread AMD Execution Thread [2024].
      Timelines don't match. Intel has said around mid August, all Ryzens will be on sale by 15th. If they'd wait for Intel they'd launch...
    • Kaotik
      Kaotik replied to the thread NVIDIA discussion [2024].
      But at what timeframe? It's not like TSMC has spare capacity on newest processes and they can't just push already agreed deals with...
    • Kaotik
      Kaotik replied to the thread NVIDIA discussion [2024].
      Not as fact, but probably close (and for CPUs the hogging is measurable)
    • Kaotik
      Kaotik replied to the thread NVIDIA discussion [2024].
      One reason could be that AI is taking up quite a bit more of die space than most new features, RT included (based on estimations from...
    • Kaotik
      Kaotik replied to the thread The Intel Execution in [2024].
      You mean 2nd gen, desktop is jumping to Core Ultra boat too
    • Kaotik
      Kaotik replied to the thread The Intel Execution in [2024].
      The 360 was caused by detoriating contacts between motherboard and GPU from constant hot/cold cycles, there wasn't anything special or...
    • Kaotik
      Kaotik reacted to nutball's post in the thread Formula 1 - 2024 Season with Like Like.
      Max is such a man-child. Funny to see him lose his temper when things don't go his way. His engineer basically calling him childish on...
    • Kaotik
      Kaotik replied to the thread AMD Execution Thread [2024].
      Didn't they say at Computex that Ryzen 9000 X3D would have something actually new stuff going on, not just another gen of same cache?
    • Kaotik
      Most likely from faster memories used in the laptop, 880M has under 4 % higher clocks than 780M and both have 12 CUs. The other changes...
    • Kaotik
      They're better fit for SLMs (Small Language Model). At least some of Windows' new AI features use SLMs rather than LLMs and they run...
    • Kaotik
      Kaotik replied to the thread AMD Execution Thread [2024].
      Unlikely, there's nothing special about Silo and they're far smaller than the price makes it look like. AMD wants them for their...
    • Kaotik
      Kaotik replied to the thread NVIDIA discussion [2024].
      I don't understand how this is suddenly news, it used to be common knowledge not too long ago
    • Kaotik
      Kaotik replied to the thread AMD Execution Thread [2024].
    • Kaotik
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