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    • M
      Mariner replied to the thread Beyond science!.
      Also, protection against the radiation which hits the lunar surface. I know they can use other materials, but if you can just go down a...
    • M
      Mariner replied to the thread Beyond science!.
      Can't wait to see what comes out of those. Admittedly, I may have watched too many B movies.
    • M
      Mariner replied to the thread Beyond science!.
      Hey, I'd be fine with that. Ate a horse meat steak in Finland a couple of decades ago and it was delicious!
    • M
      Mariner replied to the thread Beyond science!.
      I've never been to the US, but if Subway is anything to go by, it will be pretty terrible over there. They make a big thing about...
    • M
      Mariner replied to the thread Renegade repair thread.
      Bear in mind that the 5 year warranty is effectively just a 2 year warranty, as it will spend 3 years in the shop...
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