Do I have to keep repeating this every time that ppl bring up this quote?
This doesnt prove at all that ppl are buying more games, in fact those numbers are pretty sad, faced with a smogasbord of choices why are this hardcore gamer group only playing 30% more genres and 40% more games!!!!!!
WTF I would of guessed at least double but maybe even 3-4x
I can't talk since Im not a gamer (I've only played maybe 5% of my steam library) but if I was back like I was when a teenager, I'ld be like a kid in a candy store, over indulging myself. So why is this not happening with gamepass? Are the titles low quality (Ive looked some seem to pretty decent)
time is the equalizer for all things.
the most common mistakes in most discussions are the assumptions that
a) time is infinite
b) money is infinite
Because there are real constraints on both time and money, that also means there are constraints on how much you can play, what you want to play, and at what price points you want to play them at.
The latter being a big deal. Price matters and as price increases the investment is larger for a game you may not potentially want to play.
If you consider the size of the platform, say even call of duty, as big as it is, they only sell 25M units. There are over 120M+ consoles, and 100M+ PCs.
COD is easily top 5 franchises of all time in sales as well. Penetration rate is still relatively low.
So when you consider this, think about all these other titles that _never_ ever get played. Because every single device, movie service, tv services, sports service, social media service, every mobile device are all fighting for your time, or in this case, screen time. You can only spend so much time browsing the web, being on social media, being on netflix and consuming game pass, etc etc.
Because of real life time limitations most people _will not_ buy every single game there is. Attachment rates are super low for the majority of the population, but a sub service which is relatively cheap will grant them access to a wide category of games to play here and there. The number of sales lost to game pass will likely be not be as large as you think it will be because, if you really look at it, sales are relatively low anyway.
Game pass is a significantly good way for a studio to hedge their losses here in the form of receiving monetary gain back but also increasing the amount of engagement and reach. You can look at Game Pass as Put Option if you want, where you invested so much into buying a stock when it's low, and when it doesn't hit the desired targets, you hedged your losses by still extracting additional value out of it via game pass. In the exact same method, players are hedging their losses by subscribing to game pass. They don't need to play every game, but the cost of game pass is about the cost of 2-3 new titles per year. So you are hedging your money here that you can find an equivalent amount of satisfaction from game pass as you could buying 2-3 new titles per year with significantly less risk you bought a dud.
Sometimes you will lose, but likely most times you will win. If Game Pass was not successful, there wouldn't be a second arrival of GTAV on GP, or RDR2 for instance. These franchises want to continually find new players because their online system is netting them $$$ through micro transactions, and GP is the key driver to getting even more players into it.