I like these guys.
Even if not true, they are among the few white collars that look human.
Spencer is without doubt the best dressed man in history of gaming.
Liked the Hexen sticker on his t-shirt. Due to reflectance it looked like coming out just before the show from some cheap printer. Selfmade and authentic - a true fan.

Very likeable, yes.
But that's not always true for game protagonists.
I talk about Fable, actually. This was my impression (i don't know any Fable game):
I saw a teen boy. Iirc, dressed like present time, maybe watching TV.
Then i saw the same boy in a girls fairytale dress. Wtf? I expected some joke to come.
But did not happen. They were serious about it - a boy in a girls dress, and everything seemed like normal.
Then suddenly the boy has shown up again again right beside, in his regular boy clothes. And he was huge. Kind of giant. It looked like the boy was fighting his miniature self in a dress, or something.
I was confused. Did not watch with a lot of focus, but i was confused and still awaiting explanation, which did not happen.
Finally i have realized the boy in the dress is not the same boy, but another person, and maybe indeed a girl. I'm still not sure.
Anyone had the same experience?
Maybe that's a difficult topic. I notice a lot of rant from angry / right wing gamers about too many female protagonists in games, and they also complain about them being made ugly on purpose, and not skinned white.
That's not what i mean. I know half of players are female, and colors of skin vary around the globe. Games reflecting this is natural. No discussion needed.
But i share the impression modern characters very often do not look attractive but the opposite, independent of gender.
Why is this? I can only assume it's done, um, probably so average looking players can easily associate to average looking avatars?
I don't get it. When i was a teen, the game characters i've played looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger, and i had no problem with Arnie looking hotter than me.
Why is this different now? Why does it even go so far, i can no longer tell if it's a boy or a girl? I mean, that's worse than average.
When we make games, we try to make the gfx look good. This includes characters should look good too, at least some of them, no?
When i worked as artist in the music industry, they told me sex sells. And i had to draw hot bikini girls for some party album, for example.
If i would still do this, would they tell me 'No hot girls, please. Make them ugly. It sells better!', just because it's 2023 now?
If you dare, let me know what you think.
If i ever get back at making a game, this time with human characters, i would still make them look like Conan and Red Sonja, no matter what's the current fashion.
I think this sells better than potato head Star Wars hero or Horizon girl which looks like Captain Kirk with boobs.
But maybe i should not? Eastern games still do it, though.