I like to see what rep I get from people, so I turned it back on to see the opinions on my posts after it was turned off for some reason. But I only gave rep once to someone myself. I like it much better to state in my reply to the post that I agree (or don't), for everyone to see.
I think that, overall, I liked it better without rep, when you had to post and say so. Although the people who did so were few, especially when they agreed, and with the rep system it is easier to do so without posting it for all to see, especially when all you want to say is that you agree. Which should be done as often as posting that you don't, IMHO.
The latter is what the discussions are all about, and the first shouldn't become a matter of showing your allegiance to a certaing group or brand. But I think that actually works really well on this board. That's why I come here as often as I do.
So, I'll get used to it, and it's a new addition, but I'm not sure if it is actually an improvement.
Although I don't think I will notice much of that, it had become a lot easier to "punish" people anonymously when you didn't like them, when it was still anonymous. For that, I'm glad that the name of the user is shown next to the points. But still, I don't think it fits an open forum like Beyond3D.
Think about it. There is no or very little dishonesty and "keeping up the status Quo" on this board. For example, you can honestly say that you downloaded something here, or talk about sex or downloading porn (without having to type it like pr0n or something like that). Do we want a mechanism that encourages people to keep their opinion out of the public view, like all those other boards force you to do?
But then again: it does add something new. It is probably a lot easier now to see what people think of the things you post. Which might be a good thing for some people, mostly the ones that have a pretty bad rep at the moment. But I'm not convinced.