The only way they can see with a critical eye is if they've either seen and critiqued pipelines for years or sat in on technical directors critiquing pixels from a frame. Each of which is highly unlikely but we can't dismiss their opinions.
For sure, and I try to qualify everything I say from a technical perspective with the fact that in the end, this is personal preference and to a large extent games look great because of great artists more than great tech. But obviously the two together is where you get truly exceptional stuff.
We can't expect the average gamer or reviewer to have that kind of in-depth knowledge though.
True, but I think it's fair to have the more technical discussion at B3D specifically. It's not like I would go to other random public forums and expect to chat in depth about any of this with gamers.
I used to laugh when companies talked about parallax occlusion mapping using ray tracing or RT a flashlight for some bounced light. Some of us have a lot of experience with understanding what a real ray-traced renderer is used for (i.e. the entire image instead of just a 2D ray-cast across a texture space). I, personally have gotten in heated arguments of what I experienced and what the gamers experience and no amount of trying to describe what "real" RT meant was going to help gamers understand what context I was trying to portray.
I'm actually more upset about the fact that "path tracing" means nothing now than raytracing, because while I agree it has a more specific meaning in offline rendering, it has always been a fairly generic term in real-time, applying to anything that intersects a ray with [some sort of geometry representation]. Even if you restrict it to "just triangle RT", there's a disconnect in real-time because the contents of the structure being intersected against is rarely the full fidelity geometry, but no one is in a rush to advertise what theirs looks like in practice
Anyways I don't mean to gate keep the terminology. It's more just that I think it is increasingly confusing enough that people need to spell out much more specifically the details before they declare something technically inferior/superior. Saying "this thing is using hardware raytracing and this other one isn't" increasingly doesn't really mean much in terms of what to expect from the quality perspective.
When I'm talking about "lighting" properly, I mean a raw path-traced algorithm that uses importance sampling with CDFs, BRDFs, and PDFs to represent light physics. I made that statement with the knowledge of my own experience over the years in offline rendering. So I may be extra picky with games. Ignore my hyperbole.
Nah, it's good. Offline path tracing is the gold standard, and it's a great thing to compare to. From that perspective though even the stuff people have called "path tracing" in games is not really doing all of that yet. Things are getting there piece by piece but real-time is often an exercise in figuring out which parts of it are really important vs. which parts are more edge cases (which can often be content-specific).
Aside: I would love it if we could get better reference images to compare to in these games/reviews. Often when people are showing off something in a screenshot or video I am fairly sure there are some pretty big errors being overlooked vs. what a reference image would look like; in the odd case people will often declare a shot that is further from what I would expect the reference image to be to be the superior one too. Obviously matching reference is not always the goal and there are other considerations, but it's a useful tool. While there would be ways to grab/dump the geometry from a BVH in a game fairly similarly and trace against that, I know from even the complexity of the reference path tracer in Unreal that there's so many other things that go into a frame than just the ray intersections and materials that make it look quite different and thus hard to compare. Alas, would love it if it were something we were able to see more frequently, like if it were an option in some of the game's photo modes or similar.
You are on soapbox today huh?
The benefit/curse of actually having some holiday time to finally get to play some of these more recent games
I think DF was judging these games based on all of the features the game could give -- basically how far can you drive your game in the graphics tech arena? In that case, I listened to the conversation with the PC hardware in mind.
Yeah that is my assumption as well, although they do waffle a bit between comparing performance as well, in which case obviously the PC "full RT" paths are in a completely separate tier. There's no one way to compare these games and it's fine for everyone to have their own biases as long as we keep the conversation respectful. If I were to make a personal list I'd almost want to split it between games I find technically impressing from a rendering perspective in a quality/perf ratio sort of way (the combination of the two is really what is difficult), and games that just look great because they have great art and use even more focused/limited tech well to that end.