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      Sxotty reacted to tongue_of_colicab's post in the thread Visit to Japan in 2025 with Like Like.
      You're supposed to sit on the side and contemplate life and then get back in if you are feeling a bit cold. Rinse and repeat :lol: If...
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      Sxotty reacted to pcchen's post in the thread Visit to Japan in 2025 with Like Like.
      We did went to Arima onsen this time, and went with the "golden" one in a public bath. It's reasonably foreigner friendly, with...
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      Sxotty reacted to Davros's post in the thread Visit to Japan in 2025 with Haha Haha.
      Actually I think you should boycott Japan why? I've just found out the Japanese government has banned floppy discs - outrageous......
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      Sxotty replied to the thread Visit to Japan in 2025.
      We talked about wanting to do an onsen. But not a specific one though so I appreciate the suggestion. I had originally thought a more...
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      Sxotty reacted to tongue_of_colicab's post in the thread Visit to Japan in 2025 with Like Like.
      A piece of advice: keep the distances/access in mind. For example The Kobe Arboretum and botanical gardens aren't they easiest to get to...
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      Sxotty reacted to Davros's post in the thread Visit to Japan in 2025 with Haha Haha.
      Speaking of Japan, I bought one of those Japanese sofa beds, but it was a bit small it could have done with an extra foot on
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      Sxotty replied to the thread Visit to Japan in 2025.
      Here is our list for Kobe now, though once again will have to look through it more. a. Nunobiki Falls (tuna mentioned) b. Sorakuen...
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      Sxotty reacted to tuna's post in the thread Visit to Japan in 2025 with Like Like.
      If you go to Kobe you can have a really nice short hike at the Shin Kobe Shinkansen station. Just go up the mountain and there are some...
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      Sxotty reacted to pcchen's post in the thread Visit to Japan in 2025 with Like Like.
      I just came back from a family trip in Japan, from Osaka-Tottori-Kobe. Osaka was very crowded. I expect it to be even more crowded...
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      Sxotty replied to the thread Visit to Japan in 2025.
      I think Kyoto had a ton of stuff as well. We started listing some things that sounded interesting in and around Kyoto and came up with...
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      Sxotty replied to the thread Visit to Japan in 2025.
      orangpelupa thanks for the suggestion. Neither of us have any skill in Japanese. Downloading the Japanese pack ahead is a great idea.
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      Sxotty reacted to orangpelupa's post in the thread Visit to Japan in 2025 with Like Like.
      how about climbing fushimi inari taisha? its stairs all the way up, with torii... lots of torii... there's also the bamboo hallway...
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