WTH people!? (reputation)

Well, they ought to either turn it off in the politics forum, or have a separate reputation meter for it. I got dinged and praised on the same post there, and it was darn mild post. It was clear I wasn't being rated, but rather my post was rated for its conformity and non-conformity to the posters ax-grinding. I don't find that useful, and unfortunately that forum will generate a lot of that.
geo said:
Well, they ought to either turn it off in the politics forum, or have a separate reputation meter for it. I got dinged and praised on the same post there, and it was darn mild post. It was clear I wasn't being rated, but rather my post was rated for its conformity and non-conformity to the posters ax-grinding. I don't find that useful, and unfortunately that forum will generate a lot of that.
Yeah, I know...I plan to have some fun with it.
the whole "reputation" system is worthless.

Some people getting smacked down (logically, like being proven wrong in a post) by someone will (and do) retaliate with negative reputation, be it deserved or not.

Unless this is accounted for somehow, then the system is flawed from the get-go, and discourages negative (meaning criticizing, deserved or not) comments.

Maybe some of you want to live in a world where people pat each other on the backs all day, but I want to know what you actually think - And I want you to say it to me, not leave some negative rep that you don't have to back up.

Of course, positive reputation can be just as meaningless, regardless of attempts at "abuse" - I mean, what if a really dumb person thinks your post is the best thing since sliced bread? I guess it will all balance out over time, but it seems a situation rife with abusive possibilities, each way.
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geo said:
Well, they ought to either turn it off in the politics forum, or have a separate reputation meter for it. I got dinged and praised on the same post there, and it was darn mild post. It was clear I wasn't being rated, but rather my post was rated for its conformity and non-conformity to the posters ax-grinding. I don't find that useful, and unfortunately that forum will generate a lot of that.

And digi's response shows exactly what the problem is.
digitalwanderer said:
Yeah, I know...I plan to have some fun with it.
/bangs head against keyboard
gjllhk;lyfyh bn ki gih kfi;yfgo/off vfdciyfgifyc . f

This is exactly the problem with this reputation crap.
epicstruggle said:
/bangs head against keyboard
gjllhk;lyfyh bn ki gih kfi;yfgo/off vfdciyfgifyc . f

I finally got under epicstruggle's skin, my life is now complete.

I really plan to go out of my way NOT to abuse it and to use it wisely, I think it could actually work if people use it that way.
Quick, someone start a rumor that L-B said something catty about Bubbles, or we're in for the Thousand Year Reich. . .

If we can split 'em up we get to have tribes and stuff.

Oh. Wait. Nah, not really liking it either way. ;)

Notice that while the mods have reputation, Mr. Admin does NOT. Err, at least that's the kind interpretation. Either that or his red went so dark. . .
geo said:
Notice that while the mods have reputation, Mr. Admin does NOT. Err, at least that's the kind interpretation. Either that or his red went so dark. . .
The Administrator along with all the friendly neighborhood members of the 'Site Staff' group have the ability to disable reputation. Maybe the moderators do as well? As for the rest of us it's up to Dave whether he wishes to grant us that option. Doesn't make much sense to have it enabled for him as he obviously can set his own numbers to whatever he likes.

If he wanted to be particularly devious though, he could adjust his own 'power' to, say, put everyone given 'bad rep' by him down to -190 and then set up an automatic temp-ban at -200. Incentive to behave. :devilish:
_xxx_ said:
It should be turned off IMHO.

Why not ignore it if you don't like it? There's nothing on here that ties it to anything meaningful.
BRiT said:
Why not ignore it if you don't like it? There's nothing on here that ties it to anything meaningful.

As always, you'll have quite a few people pushing each other down or up in rep, which sucks. Also, all the newbies visiting the forums will look at that and judge people accordingly, which might be totally unrealistic in certain cases.
digitalwanderer said:
(BTW-LB, JR, you guys wanna bump Sage's rep up now to drive him nuts?)

Can't for a while... err...

And why does JR have 2 green thingies? Does that mean he has more than 100 points?
Just it really matter about reputation points?

There will always be people who will dislike someones posting style and give them negative points.

Likewise, there will be the brown nosers who cant wait to give postitive points in an effort to have their tongue firmly and far up the other persons ass.

I could have -1000 points. It wouldnt change my particular posting style.. If someone doesnt like how I post.. fine. Thats what the ignore button is for.