WTH people!? (reputation)

Zaphod said:
Heh. Just giving these two power-drunk chatterbots some basic information have sent me on the road to 'becoming famous soon enough'. I'm almost regretting telling them, but something tells me I'd better stay in their good graces. Thay giveth, and they can taketh away. ;)


I still think the whole concept is mostly just added noise, though

yes but it's FUN! Especially seeing how much people car about it! People like... SAGE!! :LOL:
london-boy said:
yes but it's FUN! Especially seeing how much people car about it! People like... SAGE!! :LOL:
Yeah, that will add some humor. I'm going to try like hell to go sparing with the negative points though, someone has got to really earn one to get one from me.

I like giving out positive points though, I figure it'll give someone I like a grin. :)

I'm starting to like this board software, more fun stuff to play with. (Although the smileys do still need a little work, but I appreciate what a bitch they can be after trying just a bit to mess with them at EB.....UGH!!!!!
Ok, here's a scary.

I went and checked did the rep ranking by lowest to highest and saw Geo listed as about the 9th from the bottom and didn't think that was right so I found a post of his and rated it positive, went back and checked and he was off the last page and is now on the bottom of the first page for top ranked reps.

Teh power.....
i think 100 points under months in understatement.... i think couple of regulars wil hit it soon, matter of days acctually...
silence said:
i think 100 points under months in understatement.... i think couple of regulars wil hit it soon, matter of days acctually...
Heh, if me and LB keep giving each other positive ratings whenever possible we will become GODS here before the month is out!!!!


I don't want to abuse the rep system, I think it could actually be a good and useful thing...much better than postcount to see what the board in general thinks of a member's general opinions.

I'm just gonna keep spreading the love as much as possible to any/all that I can and think deserve it, and there are just so many people on this board who do that I'll be busy for quite sometime to come. :)
digitalwanderer said:
Ok, here's a scary.

I went and checked did the rep ranking by lowest to highest and saw Geo listed as about the 9th from the bottom and didn't think that was right so I found a post of his and rated it positive, went back and checked and he was off the last page and is now on the bottom of the first page for top ranked reps.

Teh power.....

:LOL: Though I think that's mostly because everyone has the default of 10, and when at equal points, I'm not sure how it sorts people's rankings.
Silence, you just gave me 5 points. Not sure how to calculate that but i was +70, and now i'm at +75 after your rep...?

So you have teh +5 powah.

I agree with Dig, from great power comes great responsibility (err...), and i'll make sure not to screw up the rep system by giving stupid rep like nothing. It can be a great way of judging Who's Good(TM) and Who's Not(TM) around here.

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london-boy said:
Silence, you just gave me 5 points. Not sure how to calculate that but i was +70, and now i'm at +75 after your rep...?

So you have teh +5 powah.

I agree with Dig, from great power comes great responsibility (err...), and i'll make sure not to screw up the rep system by giving stupid rep like nothing. It can be a great way of judging Who's Good(TM) and Who's Not(TM) around here.


Don't you think that's asking a lot of yourself? I mean, where is this board coming to if you would start to think before doing?

Zaphod said:
*Cough* Posts: 14,391 *Cough* You seemed to be doing just fine before... :devilish:

Genuine quality of posting is always the last thing to be reflected in the 'reputation' system. Threads like this one, along with personal relationships that bares little relation to the rest of the boards seems to be the driving forces behind who rise to the top of the 'reputation ladder'. If it's just another element of noise that in addition, as exemplified by this thread, causes even more noise, then what's the point?

You're right. Those dots are way too inconspicuous. How about a feature length documentary about the evil board-posting ways of Sage, that'll show 'em...

I think the Reputation Points should be called Attention Whore Points.;)
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So you can give the same person multpile reps... that is kind of strange.

In that case it is clearly a system to evaluate a specific post and as such would make more sense if people had a rep only for a thread. Otherwise IMO you should be able to give them only once to a specific individual then it would make more sense. BAH!

Anyway I am glad I saw this topic simply b/c I was wonder WTH that green box thingy was.

Anyway to be honest I am not sure what I think yet, but it seems a tad cliqueish (if thsat is a word). I have given none yet as far as I remember though there are some people who may deserve it both good and bad.
Sxotty said:
So you can give the same person multpile reps... that is kind of strange.

you can, but you need to spread more before doing so.... you cant give just to one person every day...
silence said:
you can, but you need to spread more before doing so.... you cant give just to one person every day...

I think that's one of the disadvantages of the system. Yes it stops points whoring, but it means if someone posts a lot and you want to give them rep based on their postings, you are forced to give out rep to people you don't really feel strongly about in order to "spread the reputation around" first.
Maybe I'm blind, but I can't find anything in my UserCP that lets me see my reputation.

Of course, I'm new here, and I probably don't have much of one. But the little green dot says I have 10 points... Is that the default?

Edit: hmm... I clicked on something and found that I will be turned into mincheesecake.

Yeah, this reputation system is really something.
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wazman said:
Edit: hmm... I clicked on something and found that I will be turned into mincheesecake.

mincheesecake? are you sure it's not MINIcheesecake? I dont know what mincheesecake is but I'm pretty sure I've heard of minicheesecake before.
Sxotty said:
Anyway to be honest I am not sure what I think yet, but it seems a tad cliqueish (if thsat is a word). I have given none yet as far as I remember though there are some people who may deserve it both good and bad.
I agree, but your second sentence is why I like it. I have somewhat of a piss-poor memory at times and while someone's name might stand out in my head I don't always remember if they stand out because I like 'em or dislike 'em....I'm hoping this will help me keep better track.

Besides, once the initial novelty of it wears off I'm pretty sure it'll just be another thing and not any biggy.