Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:That's one of the reason's I liked the anonymous rep. You could really go to town. I've already had one person PM me to ask why I gave a negative rep. If I wanted to get into a discussion about it, I wouldn't have repped anonymously - I would have PM'd.
Thing is I don't think I have the right to tell someone to change their posting style - I only have the right to indicate whether I approve of disapprove via the rep I have to give out.
I dont mind getting neg points if person signs it and if it really has reason for it (e.g. me being total ass in some topic), but when i get negs for disscusing game or when i posted in Forum Feedback trying to help solve that lag thing and get comment "offtopic. irrelevant" i would really like to see who was so bright to make that comment cause i was trying to help to see why so many people have problems with lag while posting and i just posted my experience with Firefox (which also lags).
So, on one hand, its good to see names of those that give rep, cause maybe now those that give them will think about it. On the other hand, i liked annonymity cause you could dissapprove with something and by reputation show that person he is wrong without starting personal wars.
That's the problem, IMO, with seeing names. Many people will now go personal on others just cause they gave them negs... which is both stupid and understanable...
Dunno.... it will take some time to get used to this....