Virtua Fighter 5 - exclusively for PS3, Spring 2007

The recent screen shots look pretty bad actually. Looks worse in stills than DOA4 and about on par with tekken4. Of course sceenies can be decieving and this game is long ways off.
Pozer said:
The recent screen shots look pretty bad actually. Looks worse in stills than DOA4 and about on par with tekken4. Of course sceenies can be decieving and this game is long ways off.
In motion it looks absolutely jaw-dropping. The cloth physics :oops:
Pozer said:
The recent screen shots look pretty bad actually. Looks worse in stills than DOA4 and about on par with tekken4. Of course sceenies can be decieving and this game is long ways off.
What, Tekken 4?

Anyway, Virtua Fighter 5 is the most technically advanced fighter to date. You guys can discuss art style all you want, but on the techincal level it's leading the pack. Thanks to its lighting/shadowing system and the numerous shaded surfaces.

And if you ask me it also has the best artwork, but then again I'm not exactly partial when it comes to Virtua Fighter. :p
Big win for Sony getting VF5 exclusive. They've done a good job spending the necessary cash to keep the big Japanese franchises on PS3 (MGS, FF, VF, etc...). They really can't afford to let MS get their foot in the door over there.
Johnny Awesome said:
Big win for Sony getting VF5 exclusive. They've done a good job spending the necessary cash to keep the big Japanese franchises on PS3
Do we know that Sony paid for exclusivity? For me, if this is a Japanese strong title I can understand why Sega don't care to port it to a platform that has sold a negligable number of units in that market.
This seemed like a given.

- VF5 Arcade uses a 6800 series GPU. RSX is a similar architecture, just faster.
- Sony is big in Japan; MS has flopped there again.
- VF4 was an exclusive to the PS2.

It would have been shocking if it was multi-platform IMO. Interestingly at the end of this week this will be small news. Expect more exclusives, bigger than this, to crop up today.
Sega Sammy wouldn't have excluded their close partner Microsoft, limited one of their biggest games to just one platform, and announced a home port before they could take advantage of their lucrative arcade market unless Sony had paid for exclusivity and paid big, like they did with Virtua Fighter 4. Perhaps, co-marketing is involved too like the last deal.
Lazy8s said:
Sega Sammy wouldn't have excluded their close partner Microsoft, limited one of their biggest games to just one platform, and announced a home port before they could take advantage of their lucrative arcade market unless Sony had paid for exclusivity and paid big, like they did with Virtua Fighter 4. Perhaps, co-marketing is involved too like the last deal.

The fact is Sega knows where the VF fans are and they ain't on the x360(more or less). Sega is just being practical why waste money porting the game to both consoles when they can save a few bucks bringing it the console Japanese players will mostly likely flock to.
threepac3 said:
The fact is Sega knows where the VF fans are and they ain't on the x360(more or less). Sega is just being practical why waste money porting the game to both consoles when they can save a few bucks bringing it the console Japanese players will mostly likely flock to.

True, I personally are not into Fighters I have DOA for the Xbox360. Purchased it in January and haven't played it since January.
Microsoft would of course pay for a high profile Japanese game of a key franchise as well, and Virtua Fighter sold as well in the US as it did in Japan on console with the last game. When an independent company makes a big deal of exclusivity like this, a deal is definitely involved.
The pictures 1up has are still from the arcade. There hasn't been any PS3 screens actually released.

Additionally, I'd say, gamepower, you are not long for this world -- random misinformation claimed as facts don't help your point.
gamepower said:

Besides the fact that more than one thing you said is just plain wrong (such as Audio taking away from video processing power in the PS3 and the PS3 being unable to do HDR and AA at the same time), the rest of the post was just full of doom and gloom. (For the record, I know PS3 can't do FP16 and AA at the same time, but HDR can be done other ways. )GOW, GRAW, COD2, and others do already look quite a bit better than what current gen can do. Games like MGS4 look like they could push the graphics standard up even higher. So please, get the facts straight first. :)
Sega Sammy would not have had motivation to make their PS3 port into the political issue of platform exclusivity and to publically dismiss all other platform vendors as a result without having received a deal from Sony. If their decision to port the game only to PS3 were just an issue of market demographics, they would do as is done with dozens of other games which release on only one system because of demographics and simply not make an issue out of exclusivity at all.
Sega released the following images from the Arcade version of Virtua Fighter 5, to be released on Playstation 3 (console) exclusively, as for now

why are they releasing ARCADE pictures to showcase their PS3 title?
hey69 said:
why are they releasing ARCADE pictures to showcase their PS3 title?
I think they are releasing Arcade pictures to showcase their Arcade title. And it just happens to be on the PS3. I'm sure we will get ps3 screens when they feel the time is right. (my guess is TGS) But I really dont see there being much difference between the two.
This is running on a P4 with a 6800 (6800GS I believe). Just goes to show how completely undertapped next gen speed and features are so far... It looks nice, I especially like the self-shadowing and some of the cloth looks nice and water seems to be well done. On the other hand plast-o skin in some examples is yuck. I am curious how much aliasing the title will have in the end.; some pictures show some at even this low res, but that could be due to downsampling. As a VF1/2 fan I am kind of inteested how the gameplay has evolved.
Acert93 said:
This is running on a P4 with a 6800 (6800GS I believe). Just goes to show how completely undertapped next gen speed and features are so far... It looks nice, I especially like the self-shadowing and some of the cloth looks nice and water seems to be well done. On the other hand plast-o skin in some examples is yuck. I am curious how much aliasing the title will have in the end.; some pictures show some at even this low res, but that could be due to downsampling. As a VF1/2 fan I am kind of inteested how the gameplay has evolved.
You think with the Cell + RSX they could bump the game up to some nice 720p/1080i/1080p resolutions with AA/AF? Just asking because it doesnt seem like Sega will change any real graphical effects about the overall game, like for example the shiny skin. So maybe the extra power could be put to other uses.