Why would u pay just to have the game "multi-system"..lol
Hmm lets see. why would u pay to make some of your rivals biggest games no longer console exclusive ?
Hmm I wonder. ... Hmmm mabye because its x amount of reasons less to go for that console ? Less big third party exclusives for sony means more chances for ms to lure away gamers .
Getting an exclusive to no longer be exclusive is almost as good as getting a game exclusive to your system .
IF you take away enough exclusives and get yourself enough exclusives you will have more people buying your system.
t will be depended on how X360 sells in Japan, as I will say it again...going multiplatform with a game like FF will cost a lot more than just developing it as exclusive game for single platform, if they plan to make that game as one of the highest quality for each platform
Please show me one ff or dragon warrior game that has pushed any system . The answer is none . The games are crappy 3d for thier time with pretty cgi videos and have been for a long time (though that new dw looks nice but still not pushing the ps2)
So realisticly the only problem with putting a ff on xbox 360 is storage space. however they can just use 2 dvds Or compress them highly and send them to the hdd to uncompress and be shown .
There is no reason why art and most of the game code can't be shared. You have the xenos which is dx 9 + and the rsx which is dx 9 + in its capabilitys .
Sure they are using ATI and Nvidia as GPU manufacturers but PS3 and Xbox360 are apple and orange in terms of their architecture...their capabilities might be similar, but it won't be easy to port games from one to another.
As I mentioned above the only thing that would cause problems are the cpu . THe rest of the code and art should be easly ported
FF series was one of the highest quality games simply because it was heavily tuned game for one console
Once again graphicly the games were not high quality. THey were mediocer for thier time . The only thing that would need to be worked on once again is the cpu parts of the code . If they are smart though during development they can easily take care of both consoles .
Wada did say that they are kind of looking at multiplatform as a possibility, but as of now, heavily tuned games like FF and DQ are not likely going multiplatform..
What they are going to do is release smaller games in the first year or so of the xbox 360s life and see how they do . If ff online and whatever else they are planing on meet thier expectations or succed them they will go multiplatform . For a company like them there is no reason why they wont hit two installed bases .
It will be even easier for them to decide if the xbox 360 sells very well . Even with out a major success in japan