That million-seller list represents "American hardcore gamer" quite well. That much has been expected by the lineage of Xbox 1, the challenge of 360 is how to expand over it.
Putting aside the unfounded "American hardcore gamer" slant, this begs the question:
What is wrong with a business strategy that makes games people actually buy? Is making games for "non-hardcore gamers" who aren't buying games a better strategy?
360 hardware is now trending higher than the Xbox, and more significantly Xbox 360 software is selling at amazing levels. i.e. They have expanded.
In any case, I'd rather not play the 'wait and see' game.
I agree in general terms "wait and see" is becoming a less valid of a stance. "Lets wait and see how games released in 2007 sell in 2008" and the like are tired.
On price drops I will disagree though. Price drops are destined to occur. That is the beat of the industry. When is up for debate, but there is no doubt that there will be price drops this year. Who, and how much, is left to be determined.
We also have to take into account that this could be 360's last year. It is possible 720 comes out next year.
I would say it's higher than that. It's the time difference between 360 and xbox 1. 4 factors could influence it: a.) japan sales
There is no reason to believe an Xbox 3 in 2008 would do better in Japan. Even Sony's mighty PlayStation has been fallen at the feet of Nintendo's monster.
blu-ray's influence on the console market is noticeable,
There are two themes here: BDR as a movie media and BDR as a game media. On the movie front, with the HD optical format war essentially over, the uphill battle begins. As noted by Warner themselves, HD optical sales are low and the attach rate of media to BDRs is very low. BDR has defeated HD DVD, and now must overcome DVD. Even if $200 players appearing in the next year and with refined market focus and the upsurge of HDTVs there are still many hurdles to overcome. Even DVD took a number of years to gain momentum.
On the game front, already beat to death, and the quality of exclusives on the 360 as well as multiplatform games haven't indicated that DVD is killing games. There will be games that make good use of BDR, but over 2 years into "next gen" and DVD hasn't killed the market. Nothing on the radar to this point has been shown to be undoable on DVD.
The odds of Microsoft fretting over this invisible dragon are nill. They aren't going to rush out the Xbox 3 in 2008 over the fear of BDR as you suggest!!
c.) if the hardware problem on 360 is unfixable(don't know about this one, are these gone now?),
The new chips and cooling have improved reliablity of the new units to normal levels.
wii's flawless worldwide victory and ps3 possibly taking 2nd worldwide.
And why isn't the Wii's flawless victory motivation for the PS4 to come out in 2008?
The Wii is doing amazing, yet lost in such is the fact MS's Xbox 360 pushed more software than the Wii and PS3
combined. That isn't a flawless victory.
As for the PS3 taking 2nd place... two points. The first being that it is fiscally advantageous to be strong in 1 territory and terrible in 2 (or strong in 2 and terrible in 1) versus average in 3--especially if one of those territories doesn't make many games that appeal to the other territories.
And the second point is this: The PS3's first year in NA was worse than the GCN's and Xbox's first year in NA. Sony went as far as to match the 360's price point from 2007, toss in a free game, 5 free movies, and still didn't best last holiday sales figures. And software isn't moving like it should and BDR movie sales are low.
And with those two points in hand, you are argueing the possibility that MS will freak out and release the Xbox 3 in 2008?
The Xbox 3 isn't going to be released in 2008. You can end that speculation now. The 360 was released under unique circumstances: MS was losing money due to design contracts and could never get an "in the black" Xbox console to market at a competitive price. MS was never going to beat Sony with the Xbox: Sony sold more PS2's WW by the time the Xbox got to its first summer than the Xbox did LTD. Sony had already captured key exclusives as well as developer focus long before MS got their box on the market. They released a year later than Sony in NA (which was released after the DC) so the market generation was already mature and ready to move forward.. A number of forces came together that allowed MS to get competitive hardware out in 2005 and Sony tied themselves to a number of technologies and development schedules that made a 2005 launch nearly impossible, giving MS a strategic advantage.
MS releasing the Xbox 3 in 2008

Sig worthy!