This flushes the whole PC oriented developer argument down the toilet.

What's iD's pedegree with working with consoles? How many console games have they released that have made good, efficient use of the hardware? They
are a PC orientated developer, because that's their history. Years and years of design philosophy and previous experience is going to bias their thought processes into methods that are an instant fit for the PC space. They then have to address this and rethink solutions for consoles, needing to learn how best to use the hardware, which takes considerable time and effort and experience. Even experienced console developers have trouble utilising a new console's hardware on their first titles, and if they're a long lived developer, they'll have done this several times and know what to look for yet still have issues!
To be honest I'm so confuse

how someone has just said, one day ps3 has a little more raw power to use, the day after it didn't , rsx sucks; another ps3 better texture, no wait 360, no ps3 again has more split memory; but 360 60 fps confirmed, no but needs more sweat to ps3, no rsx slower but ps3 will be better but 360 will be the same

oh come on, what the hell of PR has id?
When you're working on a project, any project, sometimes you'll have things working swimmingly and you'l be all happy, and other times you'll hit frustrating problems and you'll get annoyed. This can spill into discussion. eg. Ask me about a buggy game after it's just crashed several times on me and I'll likely give a list of faults and describe it as worthless. Ask me about the same game when it's working and I'm enjoying it, you'll get a different answer highlighting the joys of the same title.
In this case, if iD have been working on AI say and have a target, and find with an implementation that PS3 runs it faster than that target, they'll have a 'high' for PS3, and when asked about development, they may well say (being normal conversational human beings rather than guarded PR specialists), "Oh, we're really pleased with PS3! It munches through AI much faster than the other platforms. It's a great little machine." Then development continues and they hit a brick wall regards PS3 graphics, and are banging their heads trying to get it working. In these cases you always look at your other systems and think, "it was easy on that machine! Why does this one have to be such a pain?! Why can't everything in life be easy?!" Someone then asks how development is going and that frustration can spill over. "Graphics are looking great, but PS3 is really struggling. It's rubbish by comparison. How the hell are we supposed to make this damned box do anything?! Piece of %*!@#." And then another day, they'll find they can do something else, a change to their data structure and memory access patterns, and it'll be all roses again.
These are people with human emotion colouring their postions. Without any cold, scientific approach, all these WIPs are hazy information. You get PR people fending off the critical eyes with bland or confused remarks in many cases, while the interesting 'real life' comments from the front line are much more raw and personal.
As I say, don't look to the WIP comments to give an idea of consoles (or anything really!), and look at the final game. These peridioc interviews don't serve to tell us about the game or machines, but give an insight into the development process and what flaming, spiked hoops developers are jumping through to get us our games!