Official GT5 discussion thread

Wow, if this is the policy on gt5 dlc, i guess i can just go ahead and get fm4. :/

It will be fixed in December. There is another patch planned. ^_^!/Kaz_Yamauchi

Kaz_Yamauchi 山内 一典
Next, don’t get your hopes up too high, but PDI is also readying a X-mas present for those who’ve already bought multiple DLCs.
2 hours ago

山内 一典
Kaz_Yamauchi 山内 一典
After this December update you can purchase a second car and so on from the dealer.
2 hours ago

山内 一典
Kaz_Yamauchi 山内 一典
People who bought the DLC cars will have those cars added to the dealers in the December update.
2 hours ago

After your new car is added to the dealership, the other players on your PS3 should be able to buy them ?
When I say converting, I mean removing the standard version and putting a premium detail version in it's place.

I only use premium versions so as far as I'm concerned the game only has a hundred or so cars. Standard models are worthless to me, so yeah I did expect them to include some for free, and loads more in the paid for DLC.

So sue me ;)

They don't have to remove them per se (May be useful for other new game modes).

I'd like to have new premium cars too, and I don't mind paying for them.
Always check if you can't win it somewhere in A or B spec, that's almost always cheaper. ;)

Found the kart track on youtube (have it but haven't tried yet), does look pretty neat:

Wouldn't have minded it if it was a tad longer still though, and/or with narrower sections. :p But these different specced karts are cool.

Good for Mario Karters like me. ^_^

Might become my favorite track given my driving skills. :LOL:
There's something like 240 Premium cars in the game, about the same as Forza 4 in total unless you install the second disc. ;)

Personally though for me the cockpit compromise that was introduced in Spec 2.0 makes the standard cars a little more palateable. Do me a favor and for instance try the RUF RGT '00 with the cockpit view. Sure Premium would have been even better, but it is still an awesome drive.
Heh heh, it doesn't have to be Forza related. I think it's perfectly normal and natural to wish for premium cars. Once people know there are better and nice things out there, they would want it. :devilish:

Such is human nature.
For EU PS+ members...

I am happy to inform all the plus members who bought the new GT5 DLC before the plus discount had taken effect that you will be creditied the difference between the standard pricing and plus dicsount pricing to your wallets. However this process will take some time so we do ask for your patience in this matter.

Sorry for the delay with this information but I have been waiting for confirmation.
Installing the DLC took some time to figure out. Not the most streamlined way and something Polyphony needs putting attention to.
At first I thought something went wrong, as when I purchased the complete DLC pack from PSN, it didn't give me the familiar download screen, instad it jumped back to the shop as soon as I had confirmed my purchase.
Also, there didn't appear any installable file in the XMB, as is the case with almost all DLC. Also in my downloaded stuff list was nothing about this GT5 pack.
I almost emailed Sony as I thougth there was something wrong, but you actually need to go into GT5 and there from the new Download Content icon (or something....) is where you actually download what you just bought from PSN (well, you don't actually download there either, just confirm your purchases. Downloading the Spa track for example seems to happen after you start the race).
I'm not sure if that was described somewhere, but I can see Sony getting a lot of email about missing purchases...
I was confused as well, for three reasons that Sony should have been more careful about.

1. the licence file did not download after purchase. While I prefer not having that silly download thing, you need to have a confirmation message of the purchase having been installed successfully now that it is gone (and maybe this is a special case for GT5 only, I wouldn't put it beyond them, but it could also be a firmware update or both)

2. once the purchase was done, trying to buy it again gives the message 'this content is not available in your region', rather than showing me it was purchased already. How confusing is that?

3. no other content was downloaded, as the track and cars were already in the spec 2.0 update. Instead, you just select to have this content from the DLC menu in GT5.

All in all not very well thought out.
It's a versus video and they are always a bit suspect, but in this case I think it does at the very least show that GT5's AI has upgraded significantly.

It's a versus video and they are always a bit suspect, but in this case I think it does at the very least show that GT5's AI has upgraded significantly.

hmmm AI cars in Forza 4 seem to maintain more speed even through they jusr came out of a turn. In GT5 they appear to be more careful and they slow down more.

I dont know. I alwyas felt that Forza 4 has a bit less realism when I was playing even in professional (but without clutch). Like I could drift easier and maintain a faster pace than with GT5. And it looks like this is replicated by the AI cars as well.

Regardless its good to see that the AI in GT5 is no longer the on-rails-AI from previous games in the series. They are aware of the other cars. The only thing that I d like to see improved a bit more in GT5 is how cars behave if they get pushed by another car. If you get slightly pushed in real life you will lose control but in GT5 they remain unrealistically stable.
From what I've played of Forza 4, it's a good game, but GT5 is a better sim (IMHO). What I mean by that is, the driving model and AI are not quite as realistic in F4 but the game is more accessible and probably more enjoyable for gamers while GT5 may be more enjoyable for car nuts/hardcore racing sim fans because of the larger variety of race types and more realistic AI/driving model. The IQ and framerate in F4 is better, but it's still a little too vibrant and flashy IMO; GT5 looks more realistic to me.

Just MHO of course.
You sure about the ai being better in GT5? Ai seemed to be the weakpoint in GT5 to me, F4's seems somewhat better where the drivers actually seem more human, made mistakes, didn't always take the same line, etc, unless that all changed in GT5 2.0 which I haven't tried.
hmmm AI cars in Forza 4 seem to maintain more speed even through they jusr came out of a turn. In GT5 they appear to be more careful and they slow down more.

I dont know. I alwyas felt that Forza 4 has a bit less realism when I was playing even in professional (but without clutch). Like I could drift easier and maintain a faster pace than with GT5. And it looks like this is replicated by the AI cars as well.

Regardless its good to see that the AI in GT5 is no longer the on-rails-AI from previous games in the series. They are aware of the other cars. The only thing that I d like to see improved a bit more in GT5 is how cars behave if they get pushed by another car. If you get slightly pushed in real life you will lose control but in GT5 they remain unrealistically stable.

I didnt play f4 so cant comment on that but even in spec2.0 the AI is still pretty lame I think. The AI still pretty much sticks to a single line all the time. You can see that in the video too. The cars take pretty much exactly the same line each time. Especially the GTR and F40. Seems the biggest difference with f4 is that the ''evasion script'' in GT5 is better.
You sure about the ai being better in GT5? Ai seemed to be the weakpoint in GT5 to me, F4's seems somewhat better where the drivers actually seem more human, made mistakes, didn't always take the same line, etc, unless that all changed in GT5 2.0 which I haven't tried.

On some seasonal events, GT5 AI is like precanned before the race. So If you restart and do the samething I noticed some drivers made the same mistakes on the same lap. Very funny.
In racing, everyone follows a certain line for the most part. The only time you go off line, is to make a move/pass. I guess I haven't paid attention to how the AI acts in that regard (how aggressive they are in their attempts to pass). But in terms of how much the AI is aware of other vehicles and avoiding collisions, GT5 is better IMO. In that video Arwin posted, you can see the AI has little regard to the car parked in the middle of the road. They take the turn like they normally would whereas the AI in GT5 take it slower to avoid a collision.

Again, that may seem boring to you, but IRL, you try to avoid collisions the best you can for obvious reasons. When you brake for a corner to the speed you would normally take that corner, then you notice a car parked in the middle of your 'line', you should slow down more so than you normally would; not only to avoid hitting him, but also because it will most likely alter your original 'line'.
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That's just one video, hard to determine ai that way, much better to actually play both games and see what you think. Plus in real racing if a car were actually parked that way around a turn facing the wrong way I'd wager that every car would not succesfully avoid an impact with it, you would expect there to be some carnage even with the best drivers.
Well, I did play Forza 4 for a few hours at my buddies house, but admittedly, I didn't pay a whole lot of attention to the AI (more so the driving physics).

But in that particular video, there's sufficient time to notice the car parked in the middle of the road. You need very quick reaction time to be a race car driver and in that video, there's ample time to notice the car there. It may seem like an unrealistic situation (and it is a rare situation) but there are times someone will just spin out and face traffic at a stop, and it does give you an idea of how the AI is aware of their surroundings IMO.

Not to say the AI in F4 is bad... I just think GT5 is a little more realistic (based on that video).
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That's just one video, hard to determine ai that way, much better to actually play both games and see what you think. Plus in real racing if a car were actually parked that way around a turn facing the wrong way I'd wager that every car would not succesfully avoid an impact with it, you would expect there to be some carnage even with the best drivers.

Playing both games back to back now, and GT5 spec 2.0 is now definitely the better one. Possibly the first time that has happened in the whole history of Forza vs GT, but there it is!