"CESA announced new details for the Tokyo Game Show 2004, the show will take place at the Tokyo Makuhari Messe Hall from September 24 - 26. The first day is for press only, and the last two days are for general public. CESA plans to expand the show coverage by including online games and mobile phone games, as well as peripheral manufacturers, chip makers, ISPs and game development schools."
"Electronic Arts and Free Radical Design announced that the first person shooter TimeSplitter 3 will be released for GameCube, PS2 and Xbox in 2005."
"After several months delay, Nintendo has rescheduled Pikmin 2 for a April 29 release in Japan."
"CESA announced new details for the Tokyo Game Show 2004, the show will take place at the Tokyo Makuhari Messe Hall from September 24 - 26. The first day is for press only, and the last two days are for general public. CESA plans to expand the show coverage by including online games and mobile phone games, as well as peripheral manufacturers, chip makers, ISPs and game development schools."
"Electronic Arts and Free Radical Design announced that the first person shooter TimeSplitter 3 will be released for GameCube, PS2 and Xbox in 2005."
"After several months delay, Nintendo has rescheduled Pikmin 2 for a April 29 release in Japan."