Misc Gaming related thread

IST said:
You're thinking of STM3(Can't remember exact intals.) or so there, buddy. ;) Edit: Either sp instead of of was a massive typo or I had a freudian slip. I'm talking about Billy Corgen on AIM... Fixed various typos too.
Ho there, I can't follow you anymore. :LOL:
Evil_Cloud said:
Yeah it seems 2D gameplay is getting killed off by SCEE and SCEA... :/

It has nothing to do with the gameplay, those SCEA test are only about the tech used in the game , and about it pricing.

By the way there's MUCH more (a load MORE) 2d gameplay oriented games on Playstation 2 than any of the 2 others consoles.

Also there's more 3D games rejected by SCEA than 2D games.

On a side note i agree with the fact that those test a kind of strange.
Killer 7 , VJ rejected.... :oops:
Maybe those two are (for the moment) crappy ports ("enter the aliasing" :LOL: )

Sony USA try to keep the flow of low budget games (on dev side!) at the minimum, or the shelves will be submerged by shitty games !(more than what we already have ,one will say :p )
Therefore games like the sega AGES games , the hudson's own 3d remix of old titles were all rejected.
And i'm not even talking about the simple fact that Sony wants/needs to compare favorably to the GC/Xbox on the tech side (at least force the Devs to do theirs best specially about the aliasing/shimmering that gave the PS2 a bad name)
Evil_Cloud said:
But I want these titles (Sega AGES) :cry:

Sony Europe are less....let's say strict; so there's chances to see Those SegaAge's "remix" here in europe ;)

I'm too, looking forward for Hokuto no ken and VR:virtua racing .
new MGS3:SE trailer? How is it??
It demonstrates the new camouflage system. Some interesting moments to see enemies just walk a few feet past a well-camouflaged Snake without realising it. No signs of the radar.

More news from Namco. The Tales channel has been updated to reveal two PS2-bound RPGs. Tales of Symphonia and Tales of Rebirth.

ToS was of course released on GC already. The site does hint that the PS2 release will likely have some extras. From the screenshots ToR appears to be from the Tales of Destiny team - which never made it outside Japan and Korea probably because of its simple 2D visuals. It looks like ToR may not make the cut either.

They previewed it in a mag I've got. I can't remember if they said anything about when it's coming out in Japan or if it's coming out in the US or Europe.
Wow, Gamespy is running a series of articles on gaming in Japan. First 2 articles up and pretty good.

Interesting snippet from Kojima's interview concerning technology:
GameSpy: What do you think about DS?

Kojima: I think it is totally new, and I look forward to it. As a game creator, I look forward to working on it. And if it played music and allowed you to watch movies, that would be great.

GameSpy: Have you seen PS3 yet?

Kojima: I have not. I would love to develop for the PS3, but I have not seen it. I love to see things that other people have not seen.

GameSpy: Of the systems out there, which do you like best?

Kojima: I don't have a favorite. The thing is, I have been working on the PlayStation 2. I am very used to the system, the controls, the tools, and the development environment. Maybe I am too used to it.

The one thing I can say for sure is that the Xbox controller is too big.

GameSpy: Early on you said that PlayStation 2 was hard to work with.

Kojima: People on my team are masochistic. They enjoy the difficulty of working with PlayStation 2 and we assume that PlayStation 3 will be even more difficult. We know nothing about the system; but it's from Sony, so we assume so.

GameSpy: What will distinguish the next generation of games?

Kojima: I don't think there will be any big changes, unless, as I have often talked about, they come up with an odor sensor. They may come up with different I/Os [input/output] like the Eye-Toy, then we would see differences. But as long as they use a TV monitor and the same basic controllers that we use in your hand now, nothing is going to change.

Network capability is definitely a big element, but I don't think we will see anything as big as the transition from 2D to 3D. I think now that visuals have become so sophisticated, we have a great opportunity to spend our time making the games better internally in story, expression, things like that. The visuals and sound cannot become that much better than they are now.

For example, the life gage. … When that counts down to zero, your game ends and you have a choice whether to continue or exit the game. Maybe it's time we should rethink that thing and come up with something different.

There really was no giant leap from PlayStation 1 to PlayStation 2 except for better graphics and better sound. People talk about 'the Emotion engine,' but there wasn't that much to the Emotion engine.

Like I said before, in my mind, the biggest accomplishment of the PlayStation 2 is that it plays both video games and movies. I don't think the Japanese consumers understand how important that is, but I think Westerners might. Now that PlayStation 2 plays both games and films, it has told us that they are totally different things; and because they are different, developers need to pursue different paths. The path for video games must be highly interactive so that it is totally different than films.

Once the PlayStation 3 comes out, I think people will stop referring to games as being like films. I think it will be the other way around with movies that are like video games.

Games will need to change in the sense, and this is true not only in Japan but also in the West, when you think of games there is always this macho guy who carries around a weapon that he uses to blast everyone in sight. I think we will need to move beyond that. Hopefully, we will see more games that deal with the inside [issues] or deal with philosophy.

Intersting snippet with Saturo Iwata concerning GCNext:
"To put it another way, before the launch of PlayStation 2 and GameCube, game creators mostly cared about working on the most powerful machines so that they could make games more attractive. But, if you ask me, if the situation will stay the same in the next generation, [both] Mr. Miyamoto [Shigeru Miyamoto, creator of the Mario and Zelda games] and I really doubt it.

"With the next generation of consoles, if the only thing they have is ten times the functionality [meaning processing power and improved graphics], I don't think people will be able to tell them apart from this existing generation. In the end, if the next generation of consoles only represents beefed-up technology, there will not be much of a future.

"Nintendo is working on its next-generation system. Allow me to call it GCNext or GCN. The abilities of GCNext will be different from what you have seen from consoles in the past. What Nintendo is currently discussing is not about state-of-the-art technology for enhancing processing power. But what I, Miyamoto, and Mr. Takeda [engineering leader Genyo Takeda] are discussing is what should be done to entertain people in a new way; and in order to achieve this, what functionality must be added to our current technology.

"Please understand, I am not saying that technology is unimportant. I understand that technology is important. But if we are just focusing on technology and investing in an IT manufacturing plant to come up with higher performance processing [chips], we will not succeed."
Sega annouced SEGA Superstars






It's a Eyetoy game, it'll be released by the end of this year. Sonic Team is developing it.

edit: Grammar gestapo found me. :p
<grammar nazi> Sonic Team is refered to the way I just refered to them as, not by The Sonic Team. </grammar nazi>
Star Ocean is coming to Europe.
Ubi Soft will publish it. It will be the "Director's cut" version with its 2 DVD.


50Hz/Optimized 50Hz/60Hz, that's the question!
That's a great news for all the fans of RPG in europe, anyway!