It occurred to me PS half-4k (PS 2k?) kind of is in a bad spot. Why? They're doing 2560X1440 upscaled, right? Well, that's still 2X the pixels of 1080P. So you're sapping almost all the PS4 2K's extra power right there. You need 3.6 TF just to do PS4 at 2560X.
So you're not doing true 4k, and your 2560X upscale is basically limited to PS4 graphics. 1080P sets will get just a downscale effect, a half assed one (if/until devs dont start building in buffed 1080P versions).
Scorpio at least marginally can claim the all important true 4k lingo, like that wow effect when you say "my PC can run game X in 4k!". It has (very barely) arguably enough oomph to do PS4/XBO graphics at actual 4k, and put that bullet point on a box here and there, the formerly only badass PC territory now in a console. So that's point one. Point two, it has more oomph to do 2560 upscales in better-than-current-gen graphics, should that direction be chosen.
You could argue Scorpio is underpowered too, because it cant do the best of all worlds, true 4k AND much better than current gen visuals. Truly Scorpio/Pro need I dont know, 10+ teraflops, but that literally wasn't feasible. But at least Scorpio's in a lot better spot in two common scenarios.
If you drop to 1080P then PS4 Pro has enough to add nicely to the visuals, although Scorpio still has more of course.
Devs are truly going to be in a Pc scenario. You got a OG Xbox One? You get level A, you got a PS4Pro? Ok, you get level B. You got A Scorpio? Ok, you get level B+some added effects, buffed AA, and nicer textures. Just like PC. It truly is going to be incremental, and we may never be wowed by a new gen upon us all at once again.
Have you watched the DF article where they discuss PS4 Pro? From someone skeptical going into the event he sounded pretty postive noting he had to be within 2 feet of the screen to start noticeing it was a little softer than native.