The mindless arguments are these ones that extrapolate how game sizes 'should' increase, based on silly ratio's like ram:discpace, while completely ignoring that fact that developers are making it work.
Yes there will be compromises, I don't disagree, but we have to wait and see what those are.
This ridiculous FUD that DVD's are totally iinadequate is currently being proven wrong by actual games being released. Sony fans need to move on and find themselves a new argument...
No inadequate, just not as adequate as Blu-Ray, but hey, i think the 90´s was cool and all, i got 700 DVD´s that i love. Ohh and i´m only getting a few more, like Twin Peaks Season 2, the rest is gonna be on Blu-Ray.. HiDef > SD, Blu-Ray -> DVD, Space > Less Space