By 'size', I was really meaning 'yields'. As die are goes up, yields go down. You can mitigate somewhat with redundancy, but if you lose a none redundant part i.e. a CPU core, then you're scrapping a whole chip. Bigger the chip, the more you throw away for this single defect. You also lose more usable wafer area at the edges of the wafer.
Indeed the gap is significant, here is a die shot of Kabini the GPU and its associated component takes
almost as much space as the cores L2. The system could have consist of a ~100 CPU and a 160 GPU (already in production). Significantly tinier than MSFT or Sony SOC both chips with higher yields.
Obviously you can still make big chips as the PC GPU market proves, but there may be a point where a separate CPU and GPU make sense. More likely that MS will cap performance at a level below this though.
it comes down to performances, the CPU has to access more memory than the GPU, and it is troublesome (and costly) to find memory in that amount that can deliver the bandwidth the GPU would want.
AMD APUs are a poster child for that, AMD wastes silicon on GPU that is not fed properly. I think SOC have turned into too fashionable an idea, their benefits a numerous but they are in no way an universal panacea high performances GPU and beast of their own, with their own needs,there is no point to integrate them the brain of our computer.
The 256-bit bus on X1 takes up a lot less space than the GDDR5 bus on PS4, which I think you've got to balance against the area taken up by esram.
I'm not sure where you get that from, the difference looks
marginal to me one way or another. By the way my previous comments applies to both systems.
MS also achieved higher aggregate BW for likely a lot less power.
That is a little like adding tomatoes and orange, you can't really compare.
I think power was a big consideration for MS due to wanting an "always on, always silent" machine that could stream to another room un-noticeably.
That is a little of a non sequitur jump, GDDR5 memory controller burns more power. Though that is not the thing I'm discussing, it is not MSFT vs Sony, it is SOC vs discrete parts or UMA vs NUMA and how that could affect Scorpio design
My pov is that UMA is least compatible idea with high performance and necessary costs optimization.As an example people are discussing HBM2 without taking notice that for a GPU that won't end up in GPGPU compute farm but a console, HBM1 meet the requirement of a GPU rendering at 4K.
Then it goes on showing that in that context SOC make things worse, the previous example adds to the other ones. In the context of HBM, HBM1 is up to the task (and most likely costly enough already) to feed a GPU dealing in 4K matters but if you have a SOC all sudden you run into severe complication as there is no way 4GB are good enough for a whole system.
Intel, Nvidia, AMD they all want to break those limitations one way or another but that is for parts that sell at a premium.
It is funny world consoles are closer than PC but it is as if they are really reluctant to make the jump and acknowledge, whereas it might not have been true till that long ago, that the PC model born out of compatibility requirements, practical concerns, through countless juis as of now the best take on the problem consoles are facing (nb the same as PC

I feel little like a guy fighting the idea 10GHz CPU when every body was going for it, or bubble for example, it is night impossible to convince people that something may be up to discussion and more when they have acknowledge something as a fact or rule but completely forgot the circumstances upon which the fact or rule has been built and the matching limitations of the concept. To make the matter worse, if the guy you address is cleverer than you are... the guy could bet is life (or others as often in History...)
If going with a separate (on-package) CPU I'd be expecting some kind of FSB going to the GPU, like OG XB or 360. Zen will have the ability to read from other chips memory using some kind of fast bus - I would expect this could be extended to allow the CPU to read from a GPUs memory pool. HUMA at-a-distance?
I don't really care for HSAIL and others AMD plans, ARM or Intel don't care much either. Though I really hope Zen is a decent competitor as Intel is holding a little to hard on its great CPU cores.