Like Fallout? Or like Ubisoft open worlds?You are thinking about fps where ai runs around or does squatting behind a crate, but what about crowd ai and autonomous npc interactions?
Yea, I can see that case, just a lot of AI running to create a realistic world. Real time Civ, etc. Totally get it. This would be a big step towards a next generation game, a world that could operate entirely on its own and grow without player interaction would be a neat simulation.
But once again, we accomplish these games on Jaguars today, and that's with _huge_ load by the render block. Freeing up all of that CPU of render draw calls, for AI, You've got huge opportunity there to really expand on it. We've not yet hit the limit of the systems quite yet.
And if we continually get into more complex worlds, isn't that where the cloud is supposed to fundamentally be the right asset to use in this case?