Killzone 2 pre-release discussion thread

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The direct feed videos are nice, but its a shame that they did not release them in HD so we could get the full visual experiance. With that said, the game still looks incredible as everything seems to blend into the world created in a very natural manner. One scene that particularly caught my attention was when the main character destroyed the bridge with an RPG, and as the dust was settling a drop-ship flew under the remains of the bridge through the dust causing it to swirl in a believable manner.

Although I think this game looks amazing, and you could probably compile a laundry-list of impressive visual techniques implemented in the game I still feel it looks a bit too much like a MoH/CoD knock off. Everything we have seen so far looks extremely scripted, one of the main problems I have with the CoD franchise is that every battle in the campaign mode plays the same. You could argue that the scripted sequences, and battles make for one hell of a roller coaster ride the first time through, but I find they kind of limit replay ability if not outright destroy it. I just hope they have something more to show outside of impressive looking scripted events.
The game looks amazing at this point, I hope they nail the story, MP and include online co-op. I like Sci-Fi games which are based on a reality I can relate to (guns, enemies, etc.). I like the visceral feel of bullet based combat with blood splatter over plasma gun and purple aliens with shields.
I hope they are washed out! I like the colours on these vids! With the exemption of Uncharted I hate saturrated colours.
New KZ2 media here:

Probably treated for promo purposes.

Are these from the same version shown as the shown videos? If so quite a drastic change and not for the better (though the videos where small/blurry). looks more "game'ish" than before but it may be the dramatic/cinematic camera movements and things happening infront that adds the rest. And they are even pr shots. :???:
I have no idea. I believe there are 720p KZ2 video links posted above (gamersyde ?)
KZ2 looks stunning in-motion. e.g. the particle effects linger around much longer than what I have seen elsewhere.

In these static shots, there are much details I missed earlier on (e.g., the bags by the side of the armored vehicle, the natural posture of each soldier, the way different lights lit up different areas on the map). I hope they showcase all the vehicles some day. They look convincing, likely modelled from real-world vehicles.
New KZ2 media here:

Probably treated for promo purposes.

wow, those are amazing indeed. the amount of detail, the lighting&shadows and the particles are incredible. the use of color is actually pretty spot on, it really brings out the contrast in this decaying war theme and it really suits the style. i can see so much more details in the stills and apreciate the design more clearly. the most CGI looking game to date in my book. hope we can see more of the much prasied weather effect in action at E3.
the group shot is half artwork "the prople" half ingame asset specifically the background.
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Look at the bandana guys face. This is what I was talking about earlier ! What is wrong with him?! He looks demented ! :( He had such a great face before, why this stupid face now?!?!?:oops:

I had complete faith in Guerilla's Art direction,as I love their style from the first KZ, but this is wierd :cry:

This is Promo (touched up ,offline rendered and touched up again) material.Probably not even made by guerrilla.
Yeah, as good as this game looks, apparently some people have a need for it to look even better, more than it's possible - and I can't understand why...
I agree some superb graphics in KZ2 I don't understand some of the critisisms. Both art and the way all the graphical componants fit together look so polished.

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Yeah, as good as this game looks, apparently some people have a need for it to look even better, more than it's possible - and I can't understand why...

Because they're excited ? Or because there is quite some time left before it ships ? I don't know...
... or both ! I really like the art direction of this game. The animation, "organic" human posture and all the details reminds me of Uncharted. *If* they have similar AI level as Uncharted, plus good weather effects, I'm afraid I'll have to buy 2 copies of the game to force a casual PS3 friend to play with me.
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