Killzone 2 pre-release discussion thread

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when there's 9months left of development, i really hope can get those "AO" ,"dynamic radiosity" etc into the game. does anyone know this is possible within that timeframe?
They could bring SSAo in less than 2 week,but that radiosity thing is IMO related to the light probes (sperical harminics) for dynamic objects (characters) and are allready there.
They could bring SSAo in less than 2 week,but that radiosity thing is IMO related to the light probes (sperical harminics) for dynamic objects (characters) and are allready there.
ar cool, i guess they must been tweak their engine to have the SSAO in withiout major framerate drops. and i really dont know what "sperical harminics" means, but it's nice to have it there now and serving up the purpose of look good.
ar cool, i guess they must been tweak their engine to have the SSAO in withiout major framerate drops.

As a post-process shader, it should go along just fine with the deferred shading.

and i really dont know what "sperical harminics" means, but it's nice to have it there now and serving up the purpose of look good.

If you have the time, there are a few GDC presentations from this year that do talk about spherical harmonics.
As a post-process shader, it should go along just fine with the deferred shading.

If you have the time, there are a few GDC presentations from this year that do talk about spherical harmonics.

cool, i'll check that one out. hope it's not too complicated to understand.
It may be suited to some games, who knows. But it's certain that there is some tech sharing going on within the SCE groups in Europe and in the US, so others can benefit from Guerilla's work.
Yeah, as good as this game looks, apparently some people have a need for it to look even better, more than it's possible - and I can't understand why...

The point I put up was not technical, It was an artistic decision took by Guerilla and they changed the face of the Bandana guy. I liked the old face better, as it felt more realistic. It has already been made and shown , so it is not" more than possible".

I understand character models change along the way, my only gripe is that this one looks off proportion. I criticize coz I love Killzone(ps2) and am looking forward to Guerilla's new artistic look.
:cool: Sometimes your girlfriend does criticize, that doesn't mean she doesn't love you !;)
But it's certain that there is some tech sharing going on within the SCE groups in Europe and in the US, so others can benefit from Guerilla's work.

On that note has anyone checked out the recent SOCOM videos on GT? The smoke effect on the explosions reminds me a lot of KZ2. Particularly the density and duration of the effect. Here's one of the videos. Jump to :27 for a pretty good example (the exploding car on the left).

Smoke looks different - far simpler. Towards the end I see a clear few particles expanding and fading, which is unlike KZ's gradual diffusion.
Smoke looks different - far simpler. Towards the end I see a clear few particles expanding and fading, which is unlike KZ's gradual diffusion.

aside from the density and longetivity of the killzone smoke, one thing i love about it is the way it interacts with the air and creating swirls. i definetly think they have a twister weather goodie instore for us.
I agree that the volumetric smoke looks superb and really adds to the games imersion as it does seem to have gameplay consequences and not just looking pretty.
You link the right video there? The embedded is some music video?


I saw this one also, it looks great for a console release title. /drumroll :p

but there's horrible compression artifacts that make it hard to get a real read on quality.
His video is the right one for me.

The video that you posted seems to convey a sense of disconnect in the world. I don't know it seems like nothing is physically "right" in the game.
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