After finishing the demo, I thought it was terrible. Your weapon is pretty weak, and accuracy issues don't help either. As for AI, well I cannot say if it's smart or not yet, but I have seen enemies doing nice tricks yet don't hesitate to run in the open sometimes. Controls (not the layout, but the responsiveness) feels like Killzone 1. Weight my es. Weight of a tank possibly. To be fair, cover system works surprisingly good, which makes me think that they are cheating a little on hit detection.
I said, maybe, it's the difficulty, let's crank it up to see what's so good about the game. What do you know, the demo doesn't have any other difficulty as far as I can see. Bad demo, bad demo.
Anyway, I noticed there is a chapter select with time stats etc. Let's give it another shot.
First section, the landing, felt same random crap. Get the rocket launcher, destroy the bridge, kill a couple of bad guys. Still no sense of satisfaction.
The first thing I noticed about the second section was that enemies weren't where they were supposed to be, they weren't doing the same things as before. Cool, it looks like SP could have tremendous replay value, if only it was fun.
I cranked up the sensitivity to max-1 btw, now it feels pretty responsive, enough to make me stop complaining.
For some reason, I ran out of ammo with my ISA assult rifle this time. Took out one guy with side arm, then ran out of its ammo, ran and melee another to get his terribly ugly looking assault rifle, especially compared to the beauty I had. I'm thinking this new one is like AK47, more powerful but even less accurate. Fortunately it's so much powerful, it kills very quickly even if most of your bullets miss the target.
At this point the game became satisfying for me, thus fun with especially all the unpredictability, and have been playing since. I'm now officially sold on the game. I also noticed for the first section you don't need to run to the rocket launcher since Helghast weapon of beast can practically destroy the bridge by itself.
Voice acting is terrible, so are the dialogs but your buddies sometimes tell you useful stuff like an enemy about to flank you, which is nice. Voice processing feels significantly off too. Helghast dialogs are almost unprocessed, with no sense of position, like listening an old radio broadcast with a headset or something. Again it feels like KZ1, in a bad way. Speaking of which, Rico is nothing without Hakha. I still hope he shows up in the game, I cannot imagine why they would remove the most interesting character.
Music is pretty nice, reminds me of Dark Forces series for some reason.
Graphics are of course godly. I could probably nitpick it easily, but all I'm gonna say is in addition to the awesome tricks they do that has been talked to death, the ground textures in the landing area are unbelievably good. I'm not talking about the resolution or anything, it's the view angel robustness of normal (parallax displacement?) mapping. Even with the fairly complex ground geometry, you never ever see loss of depth on textures.
edit: the CRT effects used on the menu screen are nice, but would be more suitable for another PS3 exclusive. Which reminds me, why the hell are the weapons so uninteresting for two nations who are more than proficient at interplanetary travel?