I can finally say what I want to say about this game! Though I have not completed a write-up on it, I figured I open a forum on the topic so you can ask someone who has comepleted the game anything you wish.
Here is a simple Q&A:
1) Is this a must buy for PS3 shooter fans?
The simple answer is--Yes!
2) How long did it take for you to complete the game?
Though I didnt officially time myself, I'm pretty sure it took roughly 8-10 hours to complete.
3) Did you play a final retail version of the game?
No - The version I played was beta code and though not complete--never crashed once on me. I am already thoroughly impressed with the amount of polish that has gone into this game.
4) How is the multiplayer?
I honestly didnt get a chance to play against live opponants. Sony PR held several MP sessions for press/media over the last month but the two different times I tried to connect via the MP portion of the game--it failed. I dont know if this was an issue with my nework (doubtful) or theirs. But what I've played with the bots was really fun and I think CoD4 fans will love it.
5) How does the game look? Does it look as good as the the screens and videos we've seen on various gaming sites?
Technically speaking this game is a beast. I mean to say that the graphical fidelity is stunning and unlike anything else on any console. Not only that, it runs without a hickup or drop in frame rate. There is one particular area that takes place in the desert and I can only put it like this: You know those moments in gaming where you just have to stop, looking around in awe? You know those parts or sections of a video game you show off to your buddies to show them how graphically impressive games can be on youor new HDTV? This is one of those levels.
Now, that being said (and this is important), will you enjoy the art direction? Though more varied than Gear of War 1 & 2--I wonder if there will be enough variety for everyone. Speaking for myself, I could have used a little more variety.
6) Is there really a trophy for beating the final boss in under 20 minutes?
7) How are the controls?
One of my biggest issues with the game, for me, are the controls. Everything is fine except for the acceleration that is used with the look movement. Some of you Windows users might be familiar with this because the same effect (acceleration) can be applied to the cursor. Basically what happens is the reticle will start moving slowly and will slightly increase in its movement speed as you apply the same preasure. It's not a deal breaker in the slightest but it does take some time to get use to. I found that it was throwing off my aim at times even once I did feel like I had settled in--but who knows, some of you may like this.
I know there are many more topics to cover so feel free to ask away.