Killzone 2 pre-release discussion thread

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Not really, I can't see any icons in the playstation day menu. I can't even select anything where the icons are supposed to be.

When did you try ? The PS Store was under maintenance a few days ago (Had the same problem and found out from GAF).
:/ UK store?

Anyway you're better getting the trailers from Gamersyde (ripped from these conference videos) since there's far too much padding in the Store versions.

Its the Dutch store which should be the same. I asked around on other forums and I'm not the only one with this problem.

Is there anything about these Killzone CGI vs real debate's that hasn't been said a hundred times already.:devilish:
Perhaps in some ways I would agree that KZ2 has exceeded the "look" of the target render, although on a whole it falls noticeably short (imo). I dont think anyone realistically set out to or should set out to compare the game to a cgi trailer of years gone by as the in-game footage has the obvious ability to stand on its own on a quality/merit basis.

The new video and the optical effects give me the feeling that I am in the movie. The old trailers are like watching a movie. Very different feel.
Is there anything about these Killzone CGI vs real debate's that hasn't been said a hundred times already.
There could be. If people wanted to talk about the game, it's animation, play style, etc. Instead people harp on about poly-counts and offline AA amounts, which is utterly useless, as I said on post 69. :devilish:

Let's try and raise this discussion above mindless.

Animation - KZ2's showing some very believable, natural animation, it seems to me. Doesn't look robotic. Is it in some way behavioural, or just blending a la Uncharted and ragdolls? Patsu's gameplay vid shows two similar deaths at 3:20 and 3:35 whcih at first I thought were dupes, but they're subtly different. They are other similar collapse anims throughout the clip, but seen from different viewpoints it's not obvious if they're the same or not. I don't think there's any simulation involved though. What do others think?

Textures - Texturing so far looks very good, vastly improved over the low-res surfaces that afflicted the last gameplay showing. The ground, always the weakest link in these games, has it's moments of looking polygonal, but generally looks rough and varied. Close up against cover doesn't have the mind-boggling fidelity of Uncharted but is as good the rest I think. There's a bit of repetition; you can as the player approaches a wall with concrete pillars that both pillars have been scarred exactly the same way. So there's no procedural synthesis happening to vary the terrain.

Lighting - They chose deferred rendering, and the results are excellent. The low-level GI look creates a convincingly solid environment with few obvious lighting errors or composition faults, such that objects look out of place. Very pleasing too are the contact shadows/occlusion around cover objects, finally binding them into the scenery as other games haven't managed to date. The shadowing seems nigh-on perfect. I haven't seen any pixelation yet, which even Uncharted has had on occasions.

Particles - This is perhaps KZ's most successful area. The smoke is very solid and most importantly, long lived. It collects and occludes, not disappearing in an instant to free up particles for rendering new effects. This is an advantage of the deferred approach. Particles can be drawn onto a 'smoke' buffer and then slowly smeared and faded, at little processing overhead yet greater realism. This has the greatest impact in the 'battlefield simulation' I think, creating that oppressive, confusing environment.

All in all, there's much to commend it on the visuals. Gameplay is a bit of an unknown to date. Patsu video shows proper gameplay where the palyer is using cover, but the Helghast still seem a bit stupid at times. As mentioned though, we don't know how much of that is settings.
The new video and the optical effects give me the feeling that I am in the movie. The old trailers are like watching a movie. Very different feel.

The previous camera positioning and cinematic presentation gave me more of a feel of being "in the battle" from a character perspective in the trailer. They have made excellent strides to recreate this feeling in gameplay although I dont believe they have completely matched it.

Given that one is a cgi trailer and one is gameplay, I would imagine that the gameplay would create a more immersive experience/feel. If only of the knowledge of the difference between the two.
There could be. If people wanted to talk about the game, it's animation, play style, etc. Instead people harp on about poly-counts and offline AA amounts, which is utterly useless, as I said on post 69. :devilish:

Let's try and raise this discussion above mindless.

Animation - KZ2's showing some very believable, natural animation
I would classify hit response animation as cinematic as opposed to natural.
Certainly not robotic, I agree.
Textures - Texturing so far looks very good, vastly improved over the low-res surfaces that afflicted the last gameplay showing. The ground, always the weakest link in these games, has it's moments of looking polygonal, but generally looks rough and varied.
Close up against cover doesn't have the mind-boggling fidelity of Uncharted but is as good the rest I think.
In K2 Ground textures seem to preserve details even from narrow angles, like when player dies or is looking from the trench. In that, it seems better than Uncharted. (I'm talking about normals, not AF)
Lighting - They chose deferred rendering, and the results are excellent.
The explosions, while themselves look very good (Uncharted's 3d smoke tech maybe?),
don't cast any light yet alone shadows. Lens flare hides the flaw a little, but It still bugs me.
Besides that, I agree gfx are superb, have "a" CGI feel about them.

I wish they had more destructible stuff and deformable terrain which every battlefield needs.:)

As for the gameplay and AI, I don't see much point discussing it now.
Mediocre game mechanics can be fun with right tuning and level design.

ps: Both trailers are awesome BTW, those marketing guys know what they are doing.
The previous camera positioning and cinematic presentation gave me more of a feel of being "in the battle" from a character perspective in the trailer. They have made excellent strides to recreate this feeling in gameplay although I dont believe they have completely matched it.

The last video I posted showed the guy wandering freely and depending on where he looked, the lights reacted to him in every way. To me, this is the most impressive aspect. I have never seen something like it before. The world seems so "outdoor-ish" and real ! (The morning sun is shining into my face as I typed this). The video reminds me of my own experience driving around under glaring sun. This is the main reason behind my "in the movie" experience. The original trailer looks amazingly detailed but feels so indoor (in-theater) and fake now.

In the animation department, those GG artists have managed to create the sense of weight realistically. The hit animations are very well done (although there are some noticeable bugs). The bullets look very painful when they hit. This is not surprising because the artists have time to work on the details. From what I heard, the original trailer was a rushed job. It's not a game, there was no need to focus on the collisions anyway. e.g., The rifle butt animation and hit animation in general were a bit off in the E3 trailer.

The only element I really want to know now is the story and settings. I am a bit wary because the added realism makes the fightings too gruesome for my taste. I felt a little "wrong" when Helghan corpses were fired upon. I feel that the SP story will need to drive the player out of senseless killings. Perhaps something like this:

* Human invaded Helghast with fearsome WMD (Show us ! and it better be cool). Objective was to annihilate Helghast at all cost, even if planet was destroyed entirely.

* Helghast retaliated by deploying "scorch earth" tactics to drive Earthlings away. Everyone is at risk. Earth soldiers can't return home now even if they won this battle because of er... infection ?

* Hero wandered away from war due to accidents and met people and lost comrades underground. Things went even more wrong while leaders insisted that they were on the right path. Had adventures with new circle of friends (No escort missions please).

* Hero needed to go against nasty WMDs from both sides, to get a small prize for himself: An escape ship for his new and old friends.

* Ph*ck the war. Go elsewhere to do something even more blood boiling but at least meaningful (like teaching kids). :devilish:

Given that one is a cgi trailer and one is gameplay, I would imagine that the gameplay would create a more immersive experience/feel. If only of the knowledge of the difference between the two.

A gameplay video won't automatically create a more immersive feel. It has to be crafted as such. The KZ2 video has a more immersive feel because of painful detailing and intelligent use of technologies. Otherwise, it will look more fake compared to a higher res and offline render. The fact that it stands up against comparison means that it has done something right, or even more right, than the original trailer.

I have always thought the "matching" comments are moot (either way) because there are so many parameters, and no two battlefields are alike. Someone mentioned that this is the first level in the game. In one of the videos, the developer by the side mentioned that "we have larger battles which you will see later". I can't wait.
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im not saying that they have match the CG trailer, but some of the stuff is very close such as the gun model for example.
I think the obvious differences between those are artistic decisions more than anything (except for the natural fidelity of a cgi movie)
oh man oh man, after seeing the intro sequence, it is without a doubt the most cinematic and CGI looking game i ever gazed upon.


im not saying that they have match the CG trailer, but some of the stuff is very close such as the gun model for example.

WOW ! I never realised that they have come so close :oops:! .
As far as I am concerned they have made the impossible posible ! Cynics and haters be damned. Their work speaks for them !
That would be the lower resolution buffer for particles as Quaz has commented upon in the scaling thread.
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